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Energy Initiatives at McGuire Air Force Base

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1 Energy Initiatives at McGuire Air Force Base
AMERICA’S PREMIER JOINT WARFIGHTING BASE AND AIR MOBILITY CENTER OF EXCELLENCE TEAM MCGUIRE Energy Initiatives at McGuire Air Force Base Christopher Archer Deputy Base Civil Engineer

2 Overview Preservation of Resources Reducing Consumption Achieving Sustainability Comments/Questions

3 Preservation of Resources
“The mission of the Department of Defense is more than aircraft, guns and missiles. Part of the defense job is protecting the land, waters, timber, and wildlife – the priceless natural resources that make this great nation of ours worth defending.” Our mission statement encompasses the two major components of our global air responsibilities: providing Combat-Ready Mobility and Expeditionary Capability for America. General Thomas D. White Air Force Chief of Staff,

4 Preservation of Resources
Environmental Stewardship on Display at McGuire Reduced water consumption by 55% (over 300 MGY) since 1993 Reduced hazardous waste disposal and hazardous material purchases by over 75% since 1996 Recovered/recycled ~60,000 gallons of aircraft deicing fluid Recycled 557 tons of scrap steel, cardboard, paper, cans and glass on base and 246 tons in housing; over $80K of “green items” were purchased on base Received 17 Annual Tree City Awards Removed 28 Underground Storage Tanks and replaced 23 UST’s with AST’s; removed 12 Oil Water Separators and replaced 10 more Our mission statement encompasses the two major components of our global air responsibilities: providing Combat-Ready Mobility and Expeditionary Capability for America.

5 Earth Week 2008 Our mission statement encompasses the two major components of our global air responsibilities: providing Combat-Ready Mobility and Expeditionary Capability for America.

TEAM MCGUIRE Energy Initiatives

7 McGuire AFB: Energy Neutral by 2015?
Key Air Mobility Command airbase on East Coast Designated one of two AF “Model Energy Bases” Set the ambitious goal to be “off the grid” by 2015 Can we do it given: Historically the USAF is an energy consumer, not producer? Geographic location? Abundance of old, inefficient legacy infrastructure? Limited resources?

8 Model Energy Base “Make energy a consideration in all we do.” – Hon. Michael W. Wynne, Secretary of the Air Force In April 2007, AF designated McGuire AFB and Barksdale AFB “Model Energy Bases” Serve as platforms for applying innovative and transformational energy concepts/initiatives Establish clear baselines and monitor results Fully apply AFSO 21 concepts to energy Focus on infrastructure, vehicles, fuels, aircraft ops, cargo ops Make energy awareness part of culture Apply successful initiatives across the Air Force Our mission statement encompasses the two major components of our global air responsibilities: providing Combat-Ready Mobility and Expeditionary Capability for America.

9 Additional Energy Goals
50% Decrease in Consumption by 2011; 60% by (From 2003 Baseline) McGuire Reduction - 18% through 2008 Energy Awareness and Off-the-Shelf Solutions 5% From Renewable Sources by 2011; 10% by 2013 Demo 25 Facilities by 2011; 30 by 2013 $4.3M in FY09 Funding to Demo 19 Facilities Efficiency Certification for All New Facilities; Minimum Silver; One Gold by 2013 One Energy Neutral Facility by 2011; 5 by 2013 Our mission statement encompasses the two major components of our global air responsibilities: providing Combat-Ready Mobility and Expeditionary Capability for America.

10 Solutions: Work on our Infrastructure
Decrease Consumption Upgrade and Rebuild Create New Partnerships—Acquire New Technologies Industry/Local Universities/Local Government Think Globally, But Act Locally

11 Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) Update
Project Proposal: Project Cost: $47M Annual Cost Savings: $5.8M/YR Simple Payback: 8.26 YRS Project Term: 21 YRS Energy Savings: 319,000 MBTUs/YR (37%) Energy Conservation Measures ECM 1: Central Heat Plant Decentralization $34M (22%) ECM 2: Lighting Upgrades $4M (3%) ECM 3: Energy Management Control System $7.1M (7%) ECM 4: Chiller Plant Upgrades $2.3M (5%)

12 McGuire Strategic Energy Pathway
Potential Energy Neutral Facilities: Future Joint Base Headquarters Facility Visitors Welcome Center Material Control and Admin Facility

13 Technologies for Energy Neutral Facilities
Proposed Technologies for Energy Neutral Facilities: Solar Photovoltaic Geothermal - Hi-Efficiency Lighting - DayLighting - Occupancy Sensors - Solar Thermal - Solar Hot Water Bldg Envelope Insulation (Min R20)

14 New Energy Projects Under Development
Power Purchase Agreement Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project – 16 Acres Biomass Project(s) Partnership with Stevens Institute Funded Projects Solar Rooftop Projects – Library/Med Clinic Waste Oil Burner Daylight Harvesting HVAC Replacements/Recommissioning Smart Meters Unfunded Projects Solar/Photovoltaic (PV) Projects Geothermal, Wind, Small Nuclear Plant?

15 Conclusions and Lessons Learned
McGuire Strategic Energy Plan a “work in progress” The problem is bigger than one person, one aircraft, one base, one command, one Air Force… Best time to maximize energy saving potential is during initial design – build it in up front Sustaining typically involves upfront investment Take advantage of the energy resources at hand Energy has links to (and consequences on) activities, operations, and resources (Sustainability = Energy Security)

16 Closing Remarks McGuire Leading the Way on Resource Preservation – Becoming Focal Point for New Initiatives Across DOD Transitioning from Planning to Action; Postured for Significant Increase in Resources Energy Conservation Begins at Home

17 Questions?

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