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Lesson 15: Duality and the Wave Mechanical Model

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1 Lesson 15: Duality and the Wave Mechanical Model

2 Review Thomson discovers that el- are – particles in atoms
So we can NOT say where an el- actually is This is Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle We can only state the probability of finding an el- in a given region of space around the nucleus---this space is called an ORBITAL

3 El- are weird! El- are - particles in the atom
El- also seem to act as waves Double Slit expmt

4 Waves create an interference pattern.

5 Particles do NOT create interference.

6 El- create an interference pattern, so sometimes el- do act like waves.

7 Duality Theory De Broglie El- seem to act as WAVES or PARTICLES
Maybe all MATTER can act as a wave or a particle.


9 Modern Wave-Mechanical Model
Atoms have a positive nucleus with protons and neutrons inside, and the nucleus is surrounded by vibrating el- clouds El- can be thought of as waves or particles El- do not follow rules of classic physics El- occupy certain high prob. areas of the nucleus called orbitals

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