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The Kingdoms of Kush and Axum

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1 The Kingdoms of Kush and Axum
Essential Question: Why do civilizations rise and fall?

2 Ancient Kush Nubia (Kush) located southeast of ancient Egypt in present-day Sudan.

3 Nubia: Geography A group of people called the Kushites settled in a region now called Nubia Kushite civilization was greatly influenced by the Egyptians and geography of Nubia, especially the Nile River.

4 Nubia (Kush) Ancient Nubia was fertile due to annual flooding.
It was rich in valuable minerals: Gold Copper Stone IRON Ivory Kush was the iron capital in ancient Africa

5 Kush and Egypt traded, but they also fought
Kush grew wealthy through trade. Developed trade routes to Egypt, Mediterranean region, Red Sea, Arabia and India. Egypt feared that Kush would become too powerful, so it invaded and conquered Kush. Kush was part of Egypt for 450 years. Many Kushite's adopted Egyptian religious practices, names, and language. Demand for iron grew, limited supply. People went elsewhere to get iron, so Kush weakened.



8 Kush Regains Power Kush regained its strength and conquered Egypt.
By 751 BC the Kushites conquered Upper Egypt. They created a Kushite Dynasty. Kushite Dynasty remained strong until the Assyrians drove them out of Egypt in the 670s BC.

9 Later Kush became a trading power with a unique culture.
Kush devoted itself to increasing agriculture and trade. . Meroë became the center of a large trade network, a system of people in different lands who trade goods. Meroë, the kingdom’s new capital, developed an iron industry.

10 Kush’s Trade Network

11 Decline of Kush Loss of Resources
Cattle overgrazed the land, leaving nothing to hold the soil down and allowing it to blow away. Iron makers used up the forests near Meroë. Military power declined when weapons were not produced. Trade Rivals Merchants set up new trade routes that went around Kush, weakening its trade. Rome’s trade with Axum caused the Kushite society to be isolated. Rise of Aksum The Aksumite army started to rise and trade routes shifted.

12 Aksum (Axum) AD

13 Axum (Geography) Located in eastern African, present day Ethiopia
Located on a plateau near the southwest part of the Red Sea Axum developed as a powerful trading kingdom because of there fine port system. This made it easy to transport goods from the Mediterranean Sea to India. In AD 600s, it began to decline as the Arabs took control.

14 Axum was the first major kingdom to completely convert to Christianity
Axum- Religion King Ezana- Started on Arabian peninsula. He conquered Kush and burned Meroe to the ground. Expanded Axum empire. Became king as an infant. His mother ruled while he was being educated. Teacher taught him about Christianity and he converted when he began to rule Axum was the first major kingdom to completely convert to Christianity In A.D. 300s, many people became Christians. Unique culture in Axum had lasting effects. Many Ethiopians today are Christians, the religion of Ezana.

15 Aksum Kingdom

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