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#EldersForum2018 #AgeingInCommon #NCF2018

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1 #EldersForum2018 #AgeingInCommon #NCF2018

2 #EldersForum2018 #AgeingInCommon #NCF2018
SKY 4 – Engaged Communities - Bringing People Together Chair: John Kennedy, Co-Author of Power to the People Tracey Robbins, UK Delivery Manager, The Eden Project Communities Team Shared Communities Sylvie Silver, Executive Director, NAPA Care Home Open Day across the Commonwealth #EldersForum #AgeingInCommon #NCF2018

3 Care Home Open Day throughout the commonwealth

4 National Activity Providers Association
NAPA stands for National Activity Providers Association We are a charity and membership organisation Our aim is for every care setting to be full of life, love and laughter How to join? Go to

5 We value The uniqueness of every person and their right to a meaningful conversation every day The right to person- centred meaningful engagement with choice and control over how they spend their time Activity provision which is respectful, creative, innovative and fun supported by skilled staff 


7 How ‘tribal’ are you?

8 How Care Home Open day can be a focus for community engagement
This session will explore How Care Home Open day can be a focus for community engagement 8

9 “I prefer watching rugby.” “I love jazz, you can’t beat jazz.”
Good practice in action – Focus on the individual At a small group meeting, in response to the question “Does anyone have a favourite kind of music?” “I like listening to jazz and I enjoy rugby. My brothers both played when they were young. Sometimes I would go to watch them.” “I prefer watching rugby.” “I can’t stand either!” “I love jazz, you can’t beat jazz.” “You don’t know what you’re missing!” 9

10 From this conversation how do we build community connections?
Are their any local jazz clubs? Can you find a jazz band that might come in and play? Research jazz performers on the internet? Is their a member of staff that likes/plays jazz? Where is the nearest Rugby Club? When do they train/play? Are their facilities for disabled access? How could you connect your residents with the players? 10

11 The benefits of better links with the local community
Develops a sense of being part of the wider community Provides variety, creates choice, promotes decision-making Introduces new people, faces, different ideas and experiences Extends the range of potential support for activity in the home Gives additional access to information and resources Reduces the sense of isolation and raises awareness 11

12 How to connect across the Commonwealth
Use technology to make friends Internet research Skype Facebook Twitter 12

13 How to connect across the Commonwealth
Use your network NAPA NCF Staff friends living overseas Contact embassies 13

14 Join in with Care Home Open Day 2019 www. napa-activities. co. uk www
Join in with Care Home Open Day www. 14

15 HOW TO CONTACT US Unit 1, First Floor Fairview Industrial Estate
Raans Road, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 6JY TEL: FAX:

16 #EldersForum2018 #AgeingInCommon #NCF2018

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