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Two emerging themes: How science and technology might generate new opportunities for the criminal justice system How future developments cause us to.

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Presentation on theme: "Two emerging themes: How science and technology might generate new opportunities for the criminal justice system How future developments cause us to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The future of the criminal justice system and the CCRC Professor David Ormerod QC

2 Two emerging themes: How science and technology might generate new opportunities for the criminal justice system How future developments cause us to recognise faults in existing processes

3 Usage commonplace: 22,000 Met Police officers
Courts already upholding convictions based on body cam footage

4 Issues: when it’s recording and who decides?
the consequences for not recording? what evidence is available? when to admit a body cam witness statement too graphic to be shown to a jury? continuity of the evidence? multiple recordings of the same incident? Disclosure?


6 Not the only way technology will change how we all work

7 CCRC is doing exactly what one would expect to adapt to the future
employing experts rigorously applying independent minds in pursuit of justice.

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