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James A. Garfield President of the United States

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1 James A. Garfield - 1881 President of the United States
Shot by disgruntled office-seeker Charles Guiteau

2 William Goebel - 1900 Governor of Kentucky
Assassinated by political opponents

3 Bill Gwatney - 2008 Chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party
Assassinated by Timothy Johnson for unknown reasons

4 John F. Kennedy - 1963 President of the United States
Assassinated by Communists sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald

5 Robert F. Kennedy U.S. Senator from New York and former U.S. Attorney General Disgruntled Palestinian sympathizer Sirhan Sirhan

6 Abraham Lincoln - 1865 President of the United States
Assassinated by Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth

7 Huey P. Long U.S. Senator from Louisiana, and former Governor of Louisiana Shot by political opponent Carl Weiss

8 Allard Lowenstein - 1980 Congressman from New York
Shot by deranged assassin Dennis Sweeney

9 William McKinley - 1901 President of the United States
Assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz

10 Harvey Milk - 1978 City Board of Supervisors of San Francisco
Assassinated by fellow Board member Dan White

11 George Moscone - 1978 Mayor of San Francisco
Assassinated by Board of Supervisors member Dan White

12 Leo Ryan - 1978 U.S. Congressman from California
Murdered while investigating the People’s Temple in Jonestown

13 Robert Vance - 1989 United States Federal Judge
Murdered by Walter Moody with a letter bomb

14 James E. Davis - 2003 New York City Councilman
Murdered by political rival Othniel Askew

15 Medger Evers - 1963 Civil Rights Activist
Murdered by white supremacist Byron De La Beckwith

16 Malcolm X - 1965 Equal Rights and Black Muslim Advocate
Assassinated by rival Black Muslims

17 Martin Luther King, Jr. - 1968 Civil Rights activist and minister
Shot by white supremacist James Earl Ray

18 Don Bolles - 1978 Investigative Reporter for the Arizona Republic
Murdered with a car bomb while investigating the mafia

19 Joseph Smith Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Shot in a mob killing by anti-Mormon activists

20 John Roll - 2011 Federal Judge in Arizona
Killed by gunman in a Tucson attack that also gravely injured Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)

21 Clementa Pinckney Pastor and Member of the South Carolina Senate Shot and killed by a white supremacist while attending a bible study activity

22 Assassinations around the World

23 Benazir Bhutto - 2007 Pakistani Politician, and former President
Assassinated by political opponents

24 Anna Lindh - 2003 Swedish Foreign Minister
Assassinated by mentally unstable Swedish man

25 Yitzhak Rabin - 1995 Prime Minister of Isreal
Murdered by opponents of his Palestinian peace initiatives

26 Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India Shot by her bodyguards

27 Anwar Sadat - 1981 President of Egypt
Killed by political opponents in an attempted coup-de-tat

28 John Lennon - 1980 Member of the Beatles
Assassinated by the President of the Beatles’ Fan Club Mark David Chapman

29 Mohandas Gandhi - 1948 Political and Spiritual leader of India
Murdered by political opponents

30 Alexander Litvenenko - 2006
Former member of the Russian secret police Poisoned by agents of the Russian government

31 Leon Trotsky - 1940 Soviet dissident and politician
Murdered in South America by the Russian government with an ice axe

32 Andrey Karlov - 2016 Russian Ambassador to Turkey
Shot by off-duty Muslim police officer while giving a speech at an art gallery

33 What’s the point? Why do assassinations occur?
What’s the difference between a crazed assassin and a hero who rids the world of a tyrant? Is there any scenario in which an assassin is right?

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