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2 Design is the idea of producing something new and improved.
FIRST, WHAT IS DESIGN? Design is about moving forward. It is the process and creation of new things. Books, posters, ideas, systems, websites, objects and many more. A designer will create and produce ideas based upon a problem. They will collaborate with others to solve real problems by producing an innovative solution. Kym Kober

Always improving your ideas and knowledge. The design process is useful in breaking down large projects, into smaller, more manageable pieces. WHY IS THE DESIGN PROCESS IMPORTANT? It is used to solve many problems, both at work and in every day life, in response to needs and opportunities. Scientists, Architects, Builders, Engineers and many more thinkers, utilise the design process in their day-to-day work lives. Its’ importance is invaluable in achieving the best possible outcome to your problem, through ideas, research and the constant building upon your knowledge. Kym Kober

4 What is the problem we need to solve?
STEP 1. DESIGN BRIEF The design brief is constructed to solve a problem. It will ask a question, involving many different answers. The following steps in the design process will help to find the best solution. Implemented between a designer and the company they are designing for. Kym Kober

5 Ideas and initial sketch
STEP 2. IDEATION Used to come up with a varying range of ideas. Can be in the form of a brainstorm or through imagery. Any initial ideas are written down or sketched as possible solutions to the problem. All ideas are documented in this step. Through sketching and lists. Kym Kober

6 Broken down into primary and secondary research.
STEP 3. RESEARCH Research is broken down into primary and secondary research. Primary research is the gathering of new knowledge. First hand knowledge. Secondary research is the gathering of knowledge that is already out in the world. Second hand knowledge. Research will help to choose the best possible solution from your ideas. Kym Kober

7 Sketch and Written Procedure
STEP 4. Final Idea All ideas and research come together to inform this decision. The final idea is chosen after researching the best possible solution to the problem in Step 1 of The Design Brief. The final sketch is drawn up and a written procedure is produced to explain how the design will be constructed. Kym Kober

8 Implement the design, following the sketch and written procedure.
STEP 5. MAKE IT The final design is constructed, following the steps on the written procedure and the sketch. This step is important to ensure the measurements on the sketch and the steps on the written procedure are correct. Kym Kober

9 Critically discuss the pros and cons of the design.
STEP 6. Evaluate IT Upon completion of Step 5, Make It, you will need to evaluate your design choices. Reflect upon the design choice with PMI. Plus, Minus and Improvements. Make a list of what worked or didn’t work in your design choices. What may you do differently next, and would you do it differently? This step is important as you grow as a designer, finding the best possible solutions to problems. Kym Kober

10 Quiz to test your new found knowledge about The Design Process.
QUICK QUIZ Log onto from your personal device. You will need to look at the laptop for the questions and the answers. Choose the shape of the correct answer. Kahoot link - Kym Kober

11 References Best Idea. (2017). Retrieved from Board of Studies NSW,. (2003). Technology (Mandatory) Years 7-8 (p. 21). Sydney: Board of Studies NSW. Creative Mints. Retrieved from design-tool/ Cox, M. (2012). What is Design?. Retrieved from Designing. Retrieved from Design Brief. Retrieved from DiscoverDesign Handbook. DiscoverDesign. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from Evaluation. Retrieved from human-rights Kym Kober

12 References Ideation. Retrieved from /01/30/ideation-tools.aspx Kahoot It!. Retrieved from Poelman, W., & Keyson, D. (2008). Design Processes (1st ed., pp ). IOS Press. Retrieved from ?docID= Research. Retrieved from Thinking Process. Retrieved from thinking-process.html What is Design | UIC - School of Design. Retrieved 1 April 2017, from Kym Kober

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