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The Language of Government

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1 The Language of Government

2 Government: -is the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies -is made up of those people who exercise its powers, all those who have authority and control over people.

3 Examples of Types of Governments
-democracy -dictatorship -autocracy But what do they mean? How can we tell them apart?

4 Roots “-archy” “-cracy” -To rule -to govern -to organize

5 -refers to a person or object
Roots “-crat” “-arch” -refers to a person or object

6 There are two main types of government:
Autocracy and Democracy

7 Autocracy “Auto-” = sole or single “Auto-” + “-cracy” = Autocracy
Autocracy: “A sole or single person rules” A government in which one person possesses unlimited power; - The authority or rule of an autocrat

8 4 Types of Autocratic Governments
1) Dictatorships- one person takes control of a country. Supported by the military, businesses or landowners (Ex: Hitler) 2)Oligarchy- government in which the power to rule is by a small group of people

9 3) Absolute monarchy- king or queen with total power
3) Absolute monarchy- king or queen with total power. No constitutional restriction. 4) Constitutional monarchy- king or queen is head of state, but bound by a constitution (normally have a Parliamentary system) (Ex: England today)

10 Monarch “Mon(o)-” = one or single “Mon(o)” + “arch” = Monarch
Monarchy = only one rules -A monarch can have absolute power or limited power.

11 Democracy “Demo-” = people “Demo-” + “-cracy” = Democracy
Democracy : “ the people rule” -A government by the people, esp: rule of the majority - A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them indirectly through a system of representation

12 Two types of Democratic Governments
1) Direct democratic- everyone votes on everything (Athens, Native Americans) -began in Greek times (columns on buildings represent democracy) 2) Indirect democratic (Representative Democracy)- people vote others to write laws. (congressmen and senators) -began in Rome (domes on buildings represent republicanism)

13 How do you know if a government is autocratic or democratic?
Who has the power? Democratic: -ALL people are below the law Autocratic: -one or few people are above the law (dictator)

14 Bureaucracy “Bureau-” = a) specialized administrative unit
b) subdivision of an executive department of a government “Bureau” + “cracy” = Bureaucracy All governments have a bureaucracy. It is NOT a government -An administrative policy-making group; (For example: Administration of a school) How you ORGANIZE a government

15 Very Important to Remember!!
To govern = Democracy To rule = Autocracy To organize = Bureaucracy

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