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APA Report: Writing Summary paragraphs

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1 APA Report: Writing Summary paragraphs
ENG 3CI APA Report: Writing Summary paragraphs

2 APA Report Overview: An APA Report is research paper on a current topic. APA stands for American Psychological Association. APA is the most common format for structuring reports at colleges. For this unit, you will choose a current topic and you will find 2 reputable articles on that topic. Then you will complete a summary for each article (using APA as your guideline for title page, in-text citations, and works cited)

3 To begin: Look at the topic. Think about what you already know and try to put your personal opinion into words. Create a question to research based upon what you already know and what information is missing.

4 Search for well researched and legitimately supported articles about your topic.
Carefully read the articles on the topic. Take notes as you go. If you have a printed copy of the article, highlight main points Underline or highlight any direct quotations that might be worth citing

5 Your APA Report will contain:
A running header on each page A title page 2 summary paragraphs A References page

6 1. Inserting a running header in APA:
Select “Insert” on the toolbar Select Header from the pop-down menu Select “Insert” again and choose Page Number Write a shortened version of your report’s title to the left of the page # Centre justify on the main toolbar

7 2. Writing a Title Page: Elements of a Title Page: Running header
Article title Author’s name Author’s school affiliation Teacher’s name Date submitted Fighting in Hockey 1 Should Fighting Still Be a Part of Hockey? A Review of the Literature Ima Lancer ENG 3CI Elmira District Secondary School Ms. Teacher Nov. 28, 2014

8 Choosing a Title: One of the most difficult tasks is choosing a good title. Your title should be as specific as possible. Notice the titles used in the following example: [Specific – good] "Should Fighting Still Be a Part of Professional Hockey?.“ [General – poor] “What is the Future of Hockey?"

9 3. Writing a Summary Paragraph
Each summary paragraph should contain the main idea of the article you read You will use a formal essay style of paragraph development Proof can be direct or indirect quotations taken from your research.

10 Directly Citing Print Sources in the Report
Direct quotations allow you to provide a reference to show exactly where you found the information. The reader can then follow up on the complete reference in the Works Cited page at the end of your paper. Quotations should be incorporated in the text and enclosed with double quotation marks. Provide the author, publication year and a page number. Dr. Miele stated, "The placebo effect disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner" (Miele, 1993, para 7), but he did not clarify which behaviors were studied. OR He found that "the placebo effect, which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when [only the first group's] behaviors were studied in this manner" (Miele, 1993, para 11).

11 Indirectly Citing Sources in the Report
When using your own words to refer indirectly to another author's work, you must identify the original source. A complete reference must appear in the Works Cited page at the end of your paper. In most cases, providing the author's last name and the publication year are sufficient: Within a paragraph, you need not include the year in subsequent references. Smith (1997) compared reaction times... OR Smith (1997) compared reaction times. Smith also found that...

12 4. A References Page: Electronic Sources
Airey, D. (2006). How does colour psychology work? Retrieved from Eric, John, & Paraag. (2007). Color psychology. Retrieved from sych.html Johnson, D. (2007). Color psychology. © 2000–2007. Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. Retrieved from

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