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ISSI Team: Recalibration of the Sunspot Number Series

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1 ISSI Team: Recalibration of the Sunspot Number Series
Kick-off meeting, 22 Jan 2018 Welcome!

2 Who we are Co-Leaders: Frédéric Clette (Belgium), Mathew Owens (UK)
Team members: Rainer Arlt (Germany), Ed Cliver (USA), Thierry Dudok de Wit (France), Greg Kopp (USA), Laure Lefèvre (Belgium), Mike Lockwood (UK), Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo (USA), Ilya Usoskin (Finland), Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (UK/France/Hungary), José Vaquero (Spain) Young scientist: Theodosios Chatzistergos (Germany) Self-supported experts: Thomas Friedli (Switzerland), Dean Pesnell (USA) and Alexei Pevtsov (USA).

3 What we promised (!) “…resolve the uncertainties related to the sunspot series and to produce a consensus new-generation series, based on the modern methods and knowledge of physical processes leading to sunspot variability.” “… provide a consensus "best" sunspot number reference(s), including accurate estimates of the uncertainties, for use by the whole scientific community”

4 Aims of this first meeting
Understand the series and underlying data/techniques used thus far Identify best practice Uncertainty estimation Quality assurance versus quality control Identify/quantify problem points in the observational records Discuss possible solutions Non-sunspot data: Verification/validation/calibration? Physical understanding of sunspots? E.g., spot-to-group ratios, etc.

5 Expected outputs Short term, possible: Concise review of the current state of play regarding the sunspot records Medium term: Repository of “raw” sunspot and group data. Possible inclusion of associated code. On going: Processing and recovery of new data sources Long term: Construction of new series using agreed technique(s) Include comprehensive estimate of uncertainty incorporating both data and technique errors Long term: Publication of new series and uncertainty estimates

6 Rules of the road None…? Recommendations of the road Post ISSI:
Do interrupt! The aim is discussion Don’t worry about too much about over-running. Post ISSI: Would be advantageous to avoid further “splintering” of the records Nevertheless, useful to see how a different technique/dataset affects the resultant series Would be sensible to collaborate as far as possible But obviously everyone free to pursue their own research lines Nice to keep the team informed of developments (we can add to ISSI webpage) Acknowledge ISSI if appropriate

7 Schedule Monday a.m. – Welcome, administration, meeting goals & ground rules (Matt, Frédéric) – Friedli (Thomas) – Sunspot number overview & historical context (Laure) “Triad” debrief – Clette & Lefévre and Lockwood et al. (Greg) – Svalgaard & Schatten and Chatzistergos et al. (Mike, Ed) Monday p.m. Methods 1825-present (1) – Expectation maximization (Thierry) – Wolf number from scratch (Frédéric) Tuesday a.m. Methods 1825-present (2) – Backbones (Theo) – Active day fractions (Ilya) – Usoskin et al. (Andrés, Laure) Tuesday p.m. Data base – Recent developments for Vaquero et al. data base (José) – Data/software repository (Frédéric, Andrés) – Series release: IAU sanctioning, procedure for updates (Alexei, Frédéric) Wednesday a.m. – Open discussion of best practices; analyses needed before ISSI-2(Frédéric, Matt) Wednesday p.m. – Working group meetings Thursday a.m. – Pre-Schwabe (2) 17th century & Maunder Minimum (Ilya, José, Matt, Andrés) Thursday p.m. – Pre-Schwabe (1) 18th century (Rainer, Ilya, Ed) – Open discussion (Lidia) Friday a.m. – Uncertainties (Thierry, Laure, Andrés) – Meeting Summary (Lidia, Dean, Alexei) – ISSI-2 (Matt, Frédéric) Friday p.m. – Travel, subgroup meetings, etc.

8 “Absolute calibration”
Spot-to-group ratio… Active-day fraction… …any statistical property of spots Rainer: “Any absolute calibration rests on the principle that a given property is constant for every cycle… …That a cycle in the past is similar to the modern period, just scaled up or down.” Clearly this may not always be true. E.g., Dalton or Maunder minima But that’s ok! Need a measure of how valid this assumption is E.g., is distribution of corrected groups the same as modern period? If not, use alternative method E.g., daisy-chaining, with abs. cal. as anchor points. Just a pinch of heresy

9 The composite series General agreement that different techniques will be required at different times How do we (objectively) decide what to use, when? Figure of merit? Minimise uncertainty? Quantitatively compare uncertainties from different methods

10 Final day Group photo! Sign the book Fill in the doodle poll
Meeting summary Send me your presentations Future work

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