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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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1 To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Vocabulary for Chapters 9-11 (All pictures taken from Google Images, and all pronunciations and definitions from

2 analogous \ə-ˈna-lə-gəs\ similar in some way

3 apoplectic \ˌa-pə-ˈplek-tik\ very angry and excited
You may need to apologize for ticking off someone.

4 changeling \ˈchānj-liŋ\ a baby that is secretly left to replace another baby
change the baby

5 deportment \di-ˈpȯrt-mənt, dē-\ the way that a person behaves, stands, and moves especially in a formal situation Your demeanor is important.

6 erratically \i-ˈra-tik\ acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual; not consistently or regularly Errors will be made.

7 guileless(ness) \ˈgī(-ə)l-ləs\ very innocent

8 ingenuous \in-ˈjen-yə-wəs, -yü-əs\ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness; lacking craft or subtlety being genuine

9 interdict \ˈin-tər-ˌdikt\ to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner
interfere + dictate

10 invective \in-ˈvek-tiv\ of, relating to, or characterized by insult or abuse
Your ears will be very infected.

11 lineaments \ˈli-nē-ə-mənt\ an outline, feature, or contour of a body or figure and especially of a face —usually used in plural outline

12 mausoleum \ˌmȯ-sə-ˈlē-əm, ˌmȯ-zə-\ a stone building with places for the dead bodies of several people or the body of an important person museum (building) for the dead

13 obstreperous \əb-ˈstre-p(ə-)rəs, äb-\ difficult to control and often noisy
The boy is obstinate and yelling; you can see into his mouth and tell if he has strep throat.

14 palliation \ˈpa-lē-ˌāt\ to make the effects of (something, such as an illness) less painful, harmful, or harsh Before pallbearers, there may be palliative care.

15 propensities \prə-ˈpen(t)-sə-tē\ a strong natural tendency to do something
I am pro-city. I don’t want to wake up early to take care of a farm.

16 rectitude \ˈrek-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\ the quality of being honest and morally correct
correct + attitude

17 undulate \ˈən-jə-lət, ˈən-dyə-, ˈən-də-, -ˌlāt\ having a wavy surface, edge, or markings
over, under, over, under

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