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WS 0 Management and coordination

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1 WS 0 Management and coordination
Identification and assessment of new psychoactive substances: a European network HOME/2014/JDRU/AG/DRUG/7086 WS 0 Management and coordination 07/12/2018

2 Gantt - time table Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Months Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WS0 WS1 - activity 1 WS1 - activity 2a WS1 - activity 2b WS1 - activity 3a WS1 - activity 3b WS1 - activity 3c WS2 WS3 - activity 1 WS3 - activity 2 WS3 - activity 3 07/12/2018

3 All Partners and Associate Partners
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri (IRFMN), Italy Universitat Jaume I de Castellon (UJI), Spain Facultade de Farmacia, Universitade de Lisboa (FFULIS), Portugal Istituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciencias Forenses (INMLFC), Portugal Norsk Institutt for vannforskning (NIVA), Norway Staten Institutt for rusmiddelforskning (SIRUS), Norway Egas Monitz - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior (EMCES), Portugal 07/12/2018

4 Description of the work
Kick-off meeting in Brussels Plenary meeting (Workshop 1) in the first month of the project (Milan) Plenary meeting (Workshop 2) after 6 months (Lisbon) Plenary meeting (Workshop 3), after 12 months (Oslo) Plenary meeting (Workshop 4), after 18 months (Castellon) Final International Conference (Lisbon, EMCDDA headquarters) Coordination of writing and editing of research papers to be published in books and scientific Journals, Coordination of dissemination Project website organization and management, for dissemination and communication Coordination of the Project Progress Monitoring Appoint administrative officer of the project, ethics leader 07/12/2018

5 Plenary meeting (Workshop 1)
Minutes and a Report in EN Starting of the activities; The workplan will be discussed, potential obstacles identified and discussed, solutions identified, and the workplan eventually modified accordingly; The progress monitoring committee will be appointed; The features of the project web-site will be discussed and defined; Coordinating groups of the Workstreams will be appointed; Ethics Leader will be appointed. Coordinating groups will meet during the second day of the Workshop to agree their activities and date (parallel or plenary ?) 07/12/2018

6 Plenary meeting (Workshop 2-4)
Minutes and a Report in EN. Discussion of the first part of the activities. The progress monitoring committee will report. Potential obstacles will be identified and discussed, solutions identified and the workplan tuned. Preliminary results from Workstreams will be discussed. Coordinating groups will meet to organize workstream activities. 07/12/2018

7 Final International Conference (in Lisbon -EMCDDA)
Conference Proceedings and a Final Report will be prepared in EN. During the conference (Planned for approximately 100 participants), final results will be presented to a qualified audience for discussion and dissemination. International scientific experts will be invited, and regulatory experts from EMCDDA, and EU will be informed and invited. 07/12/2018

8 Committees Steering Committee for publication of scientific papers and proceedings and Dissemination. 6 scientific papers, 2 book chapters. Progress monitoring committee A committee for project progress monitoring will be appointed during the first Plenary meeting (internal monitoring, with reports after 6, 12 and 18 months and a final report at 24 months). Monitoring Committee Reports in EN Coordinating groups of the Workstreams Coordinating groups will organize and agree their activities Administrative Officer The Administrative Officer will be officially appointed to perform activities related to project administration. Ethics leader The Ethics leader will be officially appointed 07/12/2018

9 Project Website Will have a reserved area for partner discussion and exchanges, and a public area for communication and dissemination of results, papers, and proceedings. 07/12/2018

10 Dissemination (the steering committee for publication and dissemination will coordinate dissemination) The knowledge generated by this project will be transferred to researchers, stakeholders and decision-makers by : (1) presenting project findings at academic and policy oriented conferences, (2) submitting research articles to peer reviewed scientific journals (6 papers) and book chapters (two book chapters) (3) circulating a summary of the outcomes and key recommendations to policy makers (4) disseminating project findings through the project web site, meetings, post-graduate course (four meetings are planned) and training events (four training events are planned). 07/12/2018

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