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Jefferson Lab Student Seminar Series

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1 Jefferson Lab Student Seminar Series
Electromagnetism and the Accelerators at Jefferson Lab G. A. Krafft, Jefferson Laboratory Old Dominion University Jefferson Lab Student Seminar Series June 6, 2017

2 Outline Electromagnetism Maxwell Equations Intensity, Power
Particle Motion Accelerators Elements Big Ideas Jefferson Lab Accelerators CEBAF Free Electron Laser (FEL)

3 Key Discoveries in Electromagnetism
Two kinds of electricity; they tend to neutralize each other (Franklin) Force between charges goes as 1/r2 (Coulomb) Electric currents generate magnetic fields (Ohm) Electromagnetic induction (Henry, Faraday) Field concepts in electromagnetism (Gauss, Maxwell) Electromagnetic displacement current; Electromagnetic theory of light (Maxwell) Radio waves generated and detected (Hertz) Radio communication (Marconi) High power microwaves (WW II)

4 Fundamental Concepts Electric Field Magnetic (Induction) Field

5 Maxwell’s Equations (free space)
Maxwell first to realize μ0ε0=1/c2, implying strongly that light itself is electromagnetic. Note μ0 and ε0 appear in static measurements!

6 Power Considerations

7 Plane Wave Solutions


9 Numerical Examples

10 Energy Units When a particle is accelerated, i.e., its energy is changed by an electromagnetic field, it must have fallen through an Electric Field. For electrostatic accelerating fields the energy change is q charge, Φ, the electrostatic potentials before and after the motion through the electric field. Therefore, particle energy can be conveniently expressed in units of the “equivalent” electrostatic potential change needed to accelerate the particle to the given energy. Definition: 1 eV, or 1 electron volt, is the energy acquired by 1 electron falling through a one volt potential difference.

11 Energy Units To convert rest mass to eV use Einstein relation
where m is the rest mass. For electrons Recent “best fit” value MeV

12 Lorentz Force Following Einstein define the relativistic factors

13 van de Graaf Accelerator
Brookhaven Tandem van de Graaf ~ 15 MV Tandem trick multiplies the output energy Generator

14 Wideröe Thesis Experiment
Über ein neues Prinzip zur Herstellung hoher Spannungen, Archiv für Elektrotechnik 21, 387 (1928) (On a new principle for the production of higher voltages)

15 Sloan-Lawrence Heavy Ion Linac
The Production of Heavy High Speed Ions without the Use of High Voltages David H. Sloan and Ernest O. Lawrence, Phys. Rev. 38, 2021 (1931)

16 Lawrence’s Question Can you re-use “the same” accelerating gap many times? is a constant of the motion gap

17 Cyclotron Frequency The radius of the oscillation r = v0/Ωc is proportional to the velocity after the gap. Therefore, the particle takes the same amount of time to come around to the gap, independent of the actual particle energy!!!! (only in the non-relativistic approximation). Establish a resonance (equality!) between RF frequency and particle transverse oscillation frequency, also known as the Cyclotron Frequency

18 U. S. Patent Diagram

19 What Correspond to Drift Tubes?

20 Magnet for 27 Inch Cyclotron (LHS)

21 Alvarez Drift Tube Linac
The first large proton drift tube linac built by Luis Alvarez and Panofsky after WW II

22 Jefferson Lab Accelerating Cavities

23 Jefferson Lab Benders

24 Bend (Dipole) Magnet Geometry
S Top View Rectangular Magnet of Length L Sector Magnet ρ θ/2 ρ θ

25 Bend Magnet Trajectory
For a uniform magnetic field For the solution satisfying boundary conditions:

26 Magnetic Rigidity The magnetic rigidity is:
It depends only on the particle momentum and charge, and is a convenient way to characterize the magnetic field. Given magnetic rigidity and the required bend radius, the required bend field is a simple ratio. Note particles of momentum 100 MeV/c have a rigidity of T m. Normal Incidence (or exit) Dipole Magnet Long Dipole Magnet

27 Quadrupole Focusing N S N S

28 Strong Focusing In quadrupole magnet field that focuses in one transverse direction, defocuses in the other Question: is it possible to develop a system that focuses in both directions simultaneously? Strong focusing: alternate the signs of focusing and defocusing: get net focusing!! Order doesn’t matter!

29 Linear Magnetic Lenses: Quadrupoles
LHC Superconducting Quadrupoles Source:

30 Weak vs. Strong Benders

31 Cosmotron (First GeV Accelerator)

32 Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS)

33 Jefferson Lab

34 CEBAF Accelerator Schematic

35 CEBAF Beam Parameters Beam energy 6 GeV Beam current
A 100 μA, B nA, C 100 μA Normalized rms emittance 1 mm mrad Repetition rate 500 MHz/Hall Charge per bunch < 0.2 pC Extracted energy spread < 10-4 Beam sizes (transverse) < 100 microns Beam size (longitudinal) <100 microns (330 fsec) Beam angle spread < 0.1/γ

36 CEBAF Superconducting LINAC

37 12 GeV Upgrade

38 New 12 GeV Linac

39 IR FEL Upgrade

40 IR FEL 10 kW Upgrade Parameters
Kinetic Energy Average Current Bunch Charge Bunch Length Transverse Emittance Longitudinal Emittance Repetition Rate Design Value 160 MeV 10 mA 135 pC <300 fsec 10 mm mrad 30 keV deg 75 MHz

41 Summary Have introduced some properties of the dynamic electromagnetic field Have introduced some of the most important ideas in accelerator design. Have shown the large accelerators at Jefferson Lab: CEBAF and the FEL

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