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YEAR 3 & 4 Curriculum workshop

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Presentation on theme: "YEAR 3 & 4 Curriculum workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 YEAR 3 & 4 Curriculum workshop
September 2018

2 Aims: To understand the curriculum expectations within each year group To identify ways to support your child’s learning at home

3 THE ICEBERG IMAGE Refer to image at the back of the room

4 REPORTING TO PARENTS We use the phrases:
Working towards age related expectation WTS Working at age related expectation EXP Working well within the expected standards We use these terms to describe your child’s progress against the curriculum for their year group

5 Maths in Primary School
Three main aims-fluency, reasoning and problem solving Maths is taught using concrete, pictorial and abstract resources from early years all the way through to Y6 Children are exposed to a range of vocabulary that they will use when exploring a particular domain Talk for maths is a big part of a maths lesson Children work on a concept until they have mastered it Basic skills will ensure that working memory is freed up

6 Maths: evidence So how will we assess in Maths:
Evidence in children’s books A range of assessment techniques during lessons e.g. questioning, marking work, focus group work Diagnostic marking, including response to marking opportunities R, F, P marking Baseline, Autumn, Spring and Summer assessments This allows for the teacher to make a confident and accurate judgement on the children’s progress and attainment each term This evidence will be reviewed at the end of the year to assess whether the children are working at the age-expected standard

7 Maths: SATs SATs test will take place at the end of Y6 (KS2) KS2
There will be three tests: Mental Arithmetic (30 mins) Two Mathematical fluency and reasoning tests (40 mins each)

8 How can you help your child at home?
Times tables- fluent to 12 x 12 By the end of Year 4 children need to be fluent to 12x12 including associated division facts By the end of Year 3 children need to be fluent in the 2,3,4,5,8,10 times tables Number bonds Practical use of maths at home e.g. money, time, recipes, planning journeys etc Board games/ card games I pad/ computer games BBC Super movers - MyMaths homework Maths rocks App


10 ENGLISH SPaG Writing Reading

11 English: SPaG Daily Grammar lessons based on the Year 3/4 curriculum
Four assessments during the year REVIEW, TEACH,PRACTICE, APPLY Using test questions for children to apply what they are learning- not just in their written work Spelling will be taught explicitly 2 times a week and the spellings will be sent home on a Friday. The children will not be tested, but expected to use them correctly in their work. Year 3/4 Spelling lists- handout IDL- an intervention aimed at children with dyslexic tendancies

12 ENGLISH: writing process
PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT- we keep it simple! Explore the text First Draft Redrafting- Austin’s Butterfly Second Draft Editing Polished piece HANDWRITING- Pen Licence

13 English: reading Whole class Guided Reading- teaching the skills e.g. Skimming and Scanning, looking for clues in the text, word meaning, synonyms Follow up tasks- independent and group activities Individual reading Reading buddies Benchmarking- encourage children to read other books out of the book band Encouraging enjoyment in Reading

14 English- reading, writing, spag
So how will we assess in English: Evidence in children’s books ‘Tickled pink’ and ‘Green for growth’ A range of assessment techniques during lessons e.g. questioning, live marking, focus group work Diagnostic Marking – Completed target work and response to marking Cross Curricular Writing Portfolio of work – building up within Learning Journeys Raw scores for Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Termly Tests for SPaG and Reading QLA of tests- makes learning specific for the children

15 How can you help your child at home?
Reading for enjoyment- children reading, children hearing an adult read Encourage children to share books that they have enjoyed reading at home with their peers 100 Fiction books all children should read before leaving primary school- according to teachers- handout Online spelling games/ making spelling fun- share techniques that have worked, e.g. BBC bitesize Using spelling words in sentences- applying what they are learning in context Using a dictionary and thesaurus at home Handwriting support Study books- available to purchase

16 Topic work A different topic each term
Encourage children to research in their own time at home Show and tell Curriculum Topic Web gives details of this term History Week- beginning Tuesday 6th November Class assembly and Open morning Pikemere’s 50th Birthday January 2019

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