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1819 Pg. 405 Few plantations, small farms, most states

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2 1819 Pg. 405 Few plantations, small farms, most states
abolished slavery Much more diverse economy with more industries. Industries grew in the Northern states Pg Large Plantations where slaves worked Plantations grew mostly cotton and tobacco 1819 WHY: Pg. 407: tariff was passed on imported goods to help Northern factory owners and Southerners felt this hurt them because they imported many goods from Europe for cheaper.. Pg Missouri wanted to join Union as slave state That would upset balance between free and Slave states. Henry Clay Missouri admitted to Union as slave state and Maine admitted as a free state. A line drawn on map where places south of line would allow slavery and slavery outlawed north of it. Pg. 407: States rights vs. National Government PGS: U.S. gained more lands after winning Mexican American war. Presented a new challenge since Missouri Compromise did not cover this land. Pg. 408: California joined Union as free state. New land gained from war would be divided and they could decide about slavery themselves. Fugitive Slave Act required all citizens to turn in people who had escaped slavery Pg. 408: The new decision was very unpopular in the North Pg. 408: Congress passed the Kansas Nebraska act that stated that people living in that territory could vote for slavery or note. Changed the rules of the Missouri Compromise. People that did not leave in territory came in to vote and fights broke out. Kansas was admitted as a free state.

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