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Hedgehog October 2018 Newsletter

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1 Hedgehog October 2018 Newsletter
Insights for parents of young children: “Fine motor skills are one of the most important developmental activities your child will ever learn.” Heather from Growing Hands on Kids Some ways you can help develop fine motor strength at home are tearing paper, peel/stick stickers, build with small Legos, stringing beads, noodles, or cereal using pipe cleaner or yarn. Reminders: Parent teacher conferences are Wed Oct 3rd for MWF session and Thurs. Oct. 4th for TTH session. There is no school on Oct. 5th . Fall break is Oct. 8th -12th. There is Fall camp available. Please Judi if interested. Happy Fall! We have some exciting hedgehog happenings in October. We will be talking about fall and what happens to leaves when the weather changes. We will also have activities incorporating scarecrows, corn, leaves, and Halloween. We will explore insides of pumpkins and make pumpkin volcanoes. We will be focusing on the color orange and the shape triangle. The letters M and W. The numbers 3 and 4. Our specials continue with Move and Groove. The fruit of the Spirit focus is Joy. Save the Date: Halloween parade MWF- Oct. 31st TTH- Oct. 30th both will be at 9:15. Parties to follow.

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