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Using the Word Search Template

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Word Search Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Word Search Template
Copy the PowerPoint presentation to your hard drive. Open the file in Microsoft PowerPoint. Go to Slide #3 – this shows a 10 x 10 table. Prepare your word search table on paper by selecting 10 to 15 words for the game and laying them out on the table grid, connecting and overlapping the words as much as possible. Enter the words into the grid carefully with one letter in each cell. Choose a different color for each word entered. Then enter random letters to fill the remaining cells of the table. Copy one slide for each word. Move slide #3 to the end of the slide presentation Go to the new slide #3 and change all the letters to one color. You may want to print out this slide as a worksheet for distribution. Change the first letter of one word to red (or your color preference). This is used as a ‘hints’ slide. Do the same for all the other slides, highlighting the first letter of a different word on each slide. Delete Slide #1 (this slide). Save the file when you are done.


3 Words Associated with "_____________"

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