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Table of a Second Chance

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1 Table of a Second Chance
By Jean P. Belizaire

2 1-Basis of working knowledge & Experience
5Years experience working with recovery Community as both Spiritual, Consultant and Clinical Staff Familiarity with DSMV4 & DSMV5 and also Trauma and Recovery, Mass Section 35, Section 12 and Rehabilitation services Detox and Stabilization Unit One to One counseling/ mentorship /transitional Housing Placement and Recovery Community Practices

3 2-Introduction to Spirituality
Defining the term : SPIRITUALITY Finding a Happy Medium The Root causes Moving from Poor Self Esteem to a Healthy Self Esteem Personal Transformation through Spiritual Principals

4 3- Philosophy & Pratical Approche
Encouragement based model Defining Encouragement The Broken Individual Focusing on Possibility rather than Impossibility Building ones Strength and manage ones weaknesses Over Emphasizing Failures, Causes, Discouragement and Disillusion

5 4- The Importance of Understanding Human Dynamics
Processing Information A strong level of awareness of your audience Practicing Observation

6 5- Viewing others as not being the sum Total of their moral failure
Illustration of The Penny in the Muck and Mire Shame vs Self Worth Interpretation of Failure

7 6- Challenges to Reaching Individuals through Spirituality
Explaining Spirituality’s Purpose Continuation of what one has learned. Turnover Rate Disappointment with past religious belief’s

8 7- Why motivation and inspiration is tremendously effective with the addict
The under dog disillusionment Stepping into the Arena of Life Motivation feeds the ability to succeed Point of Identification empowers motivation

9 8- The Role Staff can Play in a clients Road to recovery
Seeing Your Role as Strategic Staff’s Role deals with taxation of spirit and is a catalyst to change Creating an environment for residents to grow.

10 9- The Importance of Constant Self Education
Conferences – Updates on Recovery Community One can’t learn if they are personally depleted / they need to recharge Honing ones personal skill set to impact environment

11 10- The Power of Relationship
Transcends, culture, educational, financial, and working class differences Creating the extra mile effect Makes trust possible over time if relationship is structured correctly

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