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The Kite Runner: Rahim Khan

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1 The Kite Runner: Rahim Khan

2 Who is Rahim Khan? Amir’s friend living in Pakistan.
Baba’s “best friend and business partner”. Amir’s spiritual father/mentor.

3 His Role in the Novel A guide for Amir. Amir’s spiritual father. Offers an encouragement when Amir is ignored by Baba. The moral centre or voice of reason of the novel. Gives Amir the chance to redeem himself.

4 As a spiritual Father to Amir
“I’m in [Baba’s] arms, but it’s Rahim Khan’s pinky my fingers are curled around.” “There is a way to be good again” “As always it was Rahim Khan who saved me” “You know, you can tell me anything you want Amir jan. Anytime.”

5 Conclusion Rahim Khan is a minor character that plays an important role. He develops the plot of the story by offering Amir “a way to be good again.” He also cleverly arranges the adoption of Sohrab, Hassan’s son, by Amir knowing that it would make Amir feel better about himself and also rescue Sohrab from the terrible conditions in Afghanistan.

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