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Lodi Unified School District Proposed Budget

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1 Lodi Unified School District 2014-15 Proposed Budget
Lodi Unified School District Proposed Budget Public Hearing -June 17, 2014 12/7/2018

2 What is a Budget? In its simplest form: A proposed plan for revenues and expenditures for the following fiscal year. In typical form: A proposed plan for revenues and expenditures in a format that meets county and state requirements. In optimum form: A policy document to reflect the philosophy of the Board, the Administration, & the Education Community within the resources available. A financial plan: To show where you've been and where you are going. An operations guide: To guide administrative decisions and actions throughout the year. It is a living document that changes. A communications device: To share with the community the fiscal strengths and challenges of the instructional program. 12/7/2018

3 Budget Process December – Enrollment Projections and Staffing Ratios are determined for the Budget Year. LCAP process begins for Stakeholders input and/or review. April 1st – Roll current year Board approved Unrestricted budgets AND Position Control into Budget Development. April – Remove One Time funds from proposed budget, such as, carry over and donations. Adjust school site budgets to reflect new year allocations. April - May – Analyze all Other Funds and Restricted budgets to determine if funds are continuing. Work with Program Managers to plan budgets for specialized programs. May – The LCAP is reviewed by the (Parent Advisory Committee) PAC and English Language Learners Advisory Committee) ELAC. May – LCFF calculations are finalized with the County Office for the upcoming budget year and 2 subsequent years. May – Estimated Beginning Fund Balance for the budget year is projected. The 3 year Multi Year Projection is completed with all known revenue and expenditure changes, including bargaining unit agreements. June – All funds and resources are balanced. Data is uploaded into the State SACS reporting software. Technical Review Checks are processed and the Criteria and Standards, along with County required Assumptions, are also completed. 12/7/2018

4 Proportionality\Supplemental $ 19, 795,839
Local Control Funding Formula Transition Model Lodi Unified School District Local Control Funding Formula Target $261,678,013 Fully Funded Amount Transition Base Funding $181,671,872 Difference Target – Transition $ 80,006,141 (Difference) $80,006,141 X 28.05% $ 22,441,721 Adult Ed Transfer $ (1,167,809) Total Entitlement $202,945,784 Proportionality\Supplemental $ 19, 795,839 Base including GSA and CTE $ 184,317,755 12/7/2018

5 Budgeted On-Going Cost 2014-15
5 Days $5,783,070 Class Size Reduction K-6 Avg. K-3 24: :1 $2,347,877 7-12 Avg. 32:1 $2,510,000  2% Salary Restoration $3,077,260 Step & Column Recovery $2,340,100 Step and Column $1,200,000 2.5 Staff Development Days $1,927,690 CTE (ROP Maintenance of Effort) $ 750,000 PERS & STRS $1,538,630 Routine Restricted Maintenance $1,000,000 Total $22,474,627 New Expenditures $ 3,817,323 Total $26,291,950 12/7/2018

6 Estimated Budget Total Revenue $246,789,606
Total Expenditure $250,978,960 Deficit with transfer out ($4,189,354) Note: Deficit Spending will be covered through restricted Ending Fund Balance. 12/7/2018

7 LCAP Section 3A What annual actions, and the LEA may include any services that support these actions, are to be performed to meet the goals described in Section 2 for ALL pupils and the goals specifically for subgroups of pupils identified in Education Code section but not listed in Table 3B below (e.g., Ethnic subgroups and pupils with disabilities)? List and describe expenditures for each fiscal year implementing these actions, including where these expenditures can be found in the LEA’s budget. 3A 3A Totals 23,589,205 31,441,020 33,808,464 12/7/2018

8 LCFF Section 3B Identify additional annual actions, and the LEA may include any services that support these actions, above what is provided for all pupils that will serve low-income, English learner, and/or foster youth pupils as defined in Education Code section and pupils redesignated as fluent English proficient. The identified actions must include, but are not limited to, those actions that are to be performed to meet the targeted goals described in Section 2 for low-income pupils, English learners, foster youth and/or pupils redesignated as fluent English proficient (e.g., not listed in Table 3A above). List and describe expenditures for each fiscal year implementing these actions, including where those expenditures can be found in the LEA’s budget. 3B 3B Totals 5,160,784 6,598,770 7,128,226 12/7/2018

9 Revenue $246,789,606 See Budget book Revenue Second green tab Other State: CSR hourly Lottery Federal Title 1 Special Ed Other interest special Ed transfer apportionment After school 12/7/2018

10 Expenditure $249,132,435 12/7/2018 See second blue tab
1000 Certificated Personnel 2000 Classified Personnel 3000 Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Contracted Services 6000 Capital Items 7000 Net Indirect & Debt Service 12/7/2018

11 Multi-Year Comparison Revenue \Expenditures\ Ending Fund Balance

12 Enrollment by Year 12/7/2018

13 Enrollment by Grade 12/7/2018

14 Enrollment by Grade 12/7/2018

15 Components of Ending Fund Balance
Revolving Cash $ 120,000 Stores $ 275,000 Prepaid Expense $ 200,000 Restricted Reserve $4,512,440 Contingency Reserve $ 250,000 Instructional Materials $1,000,000 Programmatic Reserve $ 205,633 Unforeseen Special Education $2,000,000 Carry Over Reserves $2,500,000 Deficit Spending $5,416,880 Grade Span Adjustment $7,924,030 State Required 3% $7,550,000 Ending Fund Balance $31,953,983 12/7/2018

16 Special Thanks Angel Murnan, Director of Budgets, and the Budget Department Maria Fong, Controller, and the Accounting Department And, to the Board of Education Bring together All Division needs and puts in budget form Carries philosophies into budget form Put the segments together in booklet form very last minute 12/7/2018

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