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X光影像判讀 Ped R4 吳瑋超.

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Presentation on theme: "X光影像判讀 Ped R4 吳瑋超."— Presentation transcript:

1 X光影像判讀 Ped R4 吳瑋超

2 Normal Chest X-ray

3 Soft tissue Bony structure Lung Cardiovascular Airway Others

4 量 C/T ratio 對比 / 亮度 放大 / 縮小 量長度距離

5 Pneumothorax

6 Pneumothorax : Collection of gas in the pleural space resulting in collapse of the lung on the affected site


8 Tension Pneumothorax

9 One more complicated case…

10 Pneumonia

11 Pneumonia : Infection of lung, presented as radio-opaque patches in the chest X-ray film Silhouette Sign

12 Take a lateral view to confirm the location…

13 RML Pneumonia with Pleural Effusion
RUL Segmental Pneumonia

14 Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

15 Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
Grade I : slightly reticular (granular) pattern, decrease in transparency of lung, no certain difference to normal findings Grade II : soft decrease in transparency with an aerobronchogram, which overlaps the heart Grade III : like stage II, but with gradual stronger decrease in transparency as well as blurry diaphragm and heart Grade IV : white lung, homogenic lung opacity

16 RDS grade I : slightly reticular (granular) pattern, decrease in transparency of lung, no certain difference to normal findings

17 RDS grade II : soft decrease in transparency with aerobronchogram, which overlaps the heart

18 RDS grade III : like stage II, but with gradual stronger decrease in transparency as well as blurry diaphragm and heart

19 RDS grade IV : white lung, homogenic lung opacity

20 Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)

21 Stage Systemic Signs Intestinal Signs Radiologic Signs I. Suspected
Temperature instability, apnea, bradycardia Elevated pregavage residuals, mild abdominal distension, occult blood in stool Normal or mild Ileus B Same as IA Same as IA, plus gross blood in stool II. Definite Same as I, plus absent bowel sound, abdominal tenderness Ileus, pneumatosis intestinalis Same as IA, plus mild metabolic acidosis, mild thrombocytopenia Same as IIA, plus abdominal cellulitis, RLQ mass Same as IIA, plus portal vein gas with or without ascites III. Advanced Same as IIB, plus hypotension, bradycardia, respiratory acidosis, DIC, neutropenia Same as IIB, plus generalized peritonitis Same as IIB, plus definite ascites Same as IIIA Same as IIB, plus pneumoperitonium

22 Pneumatosis Intestinalis

23 Bowel Distension and Obstruction

24 Bowel Distension Relatively normal small bowel gas
Distended small bowel gas

25 Bowel Obstruction

26 Bowel Obstruction

27 Ileus and Bowel Perforation

28 Ileus and Bowel Perforation

29 The Position of Catheters and Tubing

30 Umbilical Artery Catheterization :
High catheterization -- T6-T9 Low catheterization -- below L3-L4 Umbilical Vein Catheterization :

31 Position of Central Venous Catheter

32 Position of Central Venous Catheter
喔哦…跑錯位置了… 換個方向再來一次

33 Endotracheal tube and NG tube

34 覺得霧裡看花,越看越花嗎 ? 有問題不要客氣哦
覺得霧裡看花,越看越花嗎 ? 有問題不要客氣哦


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