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Presentation on theme: "REPORTS AND CERTIFICATION"— Presentation transcript:

Fall 1 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

2 Who’s Supposed to Be Here
Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

3 Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation
Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 End of Year 1 & 4 End of Year 2 & 3 Essential 4: Anomalies Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

4 1 HOLD Courtesy Guidelines Mute yourself Name & LEA conversation
Silence cellphones Name & LEA conversation at a time 1 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

5 Agenda Data Submission Certification Requirements Wrap-Up Reports
2 Hours Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

6 Fall 1 Accounts and Roles
Allows user to Fall 1 Data collection Certifier View certification status and level 1 certify Superintendent Certifier View certification status and level 2 certify SENR View and submit enrollment data SINF View and submit demographic data SELA View and submit ELAS data SPRG View and submit program data Free Reduced Lunch View and submit NSLP related data including Foster Youth Counts, FRPM, SED *Foster Youth View Foster Youth CDSS matches and reports Authorizing LEA View County/Authorizing LEA Reports County View County/Authorizing LEA Reports (visible to COEs only) Reminders Daily use account LEA Admin cannot certify * This role will become available with one of the upcoming releases this fall. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

7 Certification deadline
Important Dates Census Day Oct. 1st Certification deadline Amendment Window CALPADS Calendar: Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

8 What To Submit Order Online Batch 1 Student Enrollment SENR 2
Student Information SINF* 3 Student ELA SELA* 4 Student Programs SPRG * Only update as needed to report changes from last year. Student Enrollment must be posted before submitting other files or you may receive GERR005 errors. See CALPADS Error List on the Resources slide for details. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

9 Record Relationships SSID Enrollment Student Information Student ELA
Student Program Submitting files out of order may cause GERR005 errors. See CALPADS Error List on the Resources slide for details. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

10 + Active Enrollment Student Subgroups Completers Dropouts
Fall Data Reported Active Enrollment Student Subgroups Completers + Dropouts Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

11 Enrollment Status Reported
Active Enrollment Census Day Enrollment Status – 10 & 30 Completers 8/16 (prior year) - 8/15 (reporting year) Dropouts No-shows: Exited 5/15 (prior year) - 8/15 (prior year) Other: Exited 8/16 (prior year) - 8/15 (reporting year) Lost transfers: Exited 8/16 (prior year) - 8/15 (reporting year) not re-enrolled by Census day Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

12 Key Fields Active Enrollment Completer
Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Student School Start Date On or before Information Day Student School Exit Date On or after Information Day Grade Level Code K-12 Completer Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Enrollment Status Code 10 or 40 Student School Exit Date On or after 8/16/13, but on or before 8/15/14 Student Exit Reason Code E230 Student School Completion Status 100, 106, 108, 120, 250, 320, 330 See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

13 Key Fields No-show Dropout Other Dropout Lost Transfer* Record
Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Student School Exit Date On or after 5/15/13, but on or before 8/15/13 Student Exit Reason Code N470 Grade Level Code 7-12 Other Dropout Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Student School Exit Date On or after 8/16/13, but on or before 8/15/14 Student Exit Reason Code E140, E300, E400, T270, T380, E230 (if Student School Completion Status = 104 or 360) Student School Completion Status Required if Student Exit Reason Code = E230 Grade Level Code 7-12 Lost Transfer* Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Student School Exit Date On or after 8/16/13, but on or before 8/15/14 Student Exit Reason Code T160, T165, T167 Grade Level Code 7-12 * Only students who meet these criteria and are also not reported as enrolled in a California school by Census day will be counted Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

14 SENR – Student School Transfer Code (1.31)
Key Field - Enrollment 1 (Revised)- Formal Interdistrict Transfer Agreement 2 - NCLB Public School Choice - Program Improvement 3 - NCLB Public School Choice Transfer - Persistently Dangerous 4 - District of Choice Transfer 5 - (New) Disciplinary COE School Transfer 6 - (New) Other Transfer SENR – Student School Transfer Code (1.31) * Refer to the CALPADS Code sets on the Resources slide at the end of the presentation for complete definitions of new and existing codes Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

15 Student Subgroups Reported
Active Enrollments Completers Dropouts GATE Special Ed Migrant Ed Homeless Title III Eligible Immigrants English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Foster Youth Student Program Student Information Student ELA CALPADS Weekly CDSS Match Count Source: * Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) is defined as: Free or Reduced Price Meal ( ) or Parent Level of Education = 14 Parent Level of Education Free & Reduced Meal Program * Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

16 FRPM Eligible Reported
Free or Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) Eligible Homeless Migrant Ed Free or Reduced-price Meal Program Direct Certification (Nov) Foster Placement Student Program Direct Certification (Nov) Count Source: CALPADS Weekly CDSS Match Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

17 Key Fields Gate Special Ed Migrant Ed Record Element(s)
Values and/or Notes SPRG Education Program Code 127 Education Program Membership Code 1 (Set automatically) Special Ed Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SPRG Education Program Code 144 Primary Disability Code Valid Code District of Special Education Accountability Valid CD or S Code Education Program Membership Code 1 (Set automatically) Migrant Ed Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SPRG Education Program Code 135 Education Program Membership Code 1 (Set automatically) Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

18 Socio-economically disadvantaged
Key Fields Socio-economically disadvantaged Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SINF Parent Guardian Highest Education Level Code 14 OR SPRG Education Program Code 181 or 182 Education Program Membership Code 1 (Set automatically) Homeless Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SPRG Education Program Code 191 Education Program Membership Code 1 (Set automatically) Homeless Dwelling Type Code 100, 110, 120, or 130 Unaccompanied Youth Indicator Y, N (Required if Education Program Code =191) Runaway Youth Indicator Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

19 When to Use Exit Codes Code When to Use Programs auto-exited 181, 182
Student did not exit the school but one or more of these fields have changed: Grade Level, greater than 14 days before the end of the school year Student School Transfer Code District of Geographic Residence A subsequent enrollment record must be submitted with a start date exactly one day after the exit record when using this code. No E155 Student completed the school year and is expected to return next year, includes returning seniors. May be used up to 14 days prior to the last day of school (i.e., “close enough”). Year round schools can treat June 30th as the last day of the school year. Yes T160 Student left and is known to be going to another CA public school. Can also be used when a student has a gap in their enrollment at a single school. E230 Student completed the highest grade level at the school. Use completion codes to further detail how the student left and/or where they are going. E450 Use for any K-6 exit where the student is not known to be returning. N420 Retired as of 6/30/2014. Use N470 instead for no shows after 6/30/2014. N/A N470 Student did not return after summer or intersession break or never showed up after pre-enrolling. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

20 Title III Eligible Immigrant
Key Fields Title III Eligible Immigrant Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Enrollment Status Code 10 Student Birth Date Student age 3-21 based on birthdate Grade Level Code Not equal to AD SINF Student Birth Country Code Not equal to US or PR Student Initial US School Enrollment Date Enrolled in US School less than Three Cumulative Years Indicator Y Although Pre K reporting is optional, it may be to the LEA's advantage to report Pre K Title III students as doing so may increase their Title III funding. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

21 Key Fields English Language Acquisition Status
Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SELA English Language Acquisition Status Code EL (English Learner) EO (English or American Sign Language Only) IFEP (Initial Fluent English Proficient) RFEP (Reclassified Fluent English Proficient) TBD (To Be Determined)* English Language Acquisition Status Start Date The date the student’s English Language Acquisition Status was first identified. Typically the date the student took the CELDT. Primary Language Code If English Language Acquisition Status Code is EL, RFEP, or IFEP then Primary Language Code can not be 00 (English) and or 37 (Sign Language). * Only allowed for first record in student’s history See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

22 English Language Acquisition Reporting
English Language Acquisition Status now reported once initially and then only when status changes TBD IFEP EO EL RFEP* The initial status may be any status except RFEP, but subsequently only the changes shown above are allowed ELAS Rules: Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

23 Subgroup Reporting – Foster Youth Identification for LCFF
Situation Foster Youth for LCFF A child or youth who is the subject of a petition filed under Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 300 (meaning a court has taken jurisdiction over a child and declared the child to be a dependent of the court due to the presence or risk of abuse or neglect). This includes both children who are living at home while a dependent of the court as well as children who the court has ordered to be removed into the care, custody and control of a social worker for placement outside the home. Yes A child or youth who is the subject of a petition filed under WIC Section 602 (meaning a court has taken jurisdiction over a child and declared the child to be a ward of the court due to the child’s violation of certain criminal laws) and has been ordered by a court to be removed from home pursuant to WIC Section 727 and placed in foster care as defined by WIC Section 727.4(d). A youth between ages 18 and 21 who is enrolled in high school, is a non-minor dependent under the placement responsibility of child welfare, probation, or a tribal organization participating in an agreement pursuant to WIC Section , and is participating in a transitional living case plan. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

24 Subgroup Reporting – Foster Youth Identification for LCFF
Situation Foster Youth for LCFF A child or youth who is in a “voluntary placement.” Voluntary placements are not subject to a petition filed under WIC Section 300. No A child or youth who is living with relatives or friends and who is not a dependent of the court (i.e. is not subject to a WIC Section 300 petition). A child or youth who is a ward of the juvenile court pursuant to a petition filed under WIC Section 602 who is either living at home or has been ordered to be placed in a corrective or rehabilitative facility but has not been ordered to be removed from his or her home into a foster care placement pursuant to WIC Section 727.4(d). Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

25 Foster Youth Status Type Under LCFF
CDSS identification of foster students in an out-of-home placement status Foster Placement CDSS identification of foster students in family maintenance status Foster Family Maintenance Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

26 Foster Youth Identification
Weekly Match CALPADS will search the CDSS data for matches using: First Name & Last Name (similar names may match, e.g., Bob & Bobby) Birth Date (exact matches only) LEA enrollment (if enrollment is missing, student address is used) Manual Match New User Interface (will be available in Jan-2015 release) 10-digit Foster Client ID or 19-digit Foster Case ID Required (Not Certified) Report 1.17 – Certification Report* Report 1.18 – Supporting Report Two Snapshot Reports Two new ODS reports Ongoing foster youth data from ODS Fall – 1 Snapshot Data Ongoing ODS Data * Includes counts for matched foster students enrolled on census day Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

27 Reports – ODS versus Snapshot
ODS (Operational Data Store) = All current CALPADS data Fall 1 Snapshot ODS data pertaining to the Fall 1 submission ODS Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

28 Data Submission/Certification Process
Local Student Information System CALPADS Data extracted from local SIS Posted records processed Operational Data Store (ODS) Passed Records Data Matches Errors SBAC Accountability Certification Errors Certification Reports Report Review and 2-Level Certification Upload files Uploaded files processed using Input Validation Rules and compared to CALPADS data Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

29 Regular Nightly Processing
Snapshot Generation Regular Nightly Processing ODS Fall 1 Data Snapshot After certification ODS Fall 1 Data Snapshot CALAPDS availability and nightly processing schedule is available at: Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

30 Certification Requirements
Review all eight* aggregate reports Zero fatal errors Resolve anomalies at least below 2% * COEs will have an additional report for non-disciplinary transfers Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

31 FALL 1 DEMONSTRATION 31 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

32 State Reporting – Certification Status
Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

33 Certification Status 1 2 3 Make sure you are looking at Fall 1 record
Certification criteria: 1) Review all three certification reports 2) Zero fatal certification errors 3) Anomaly rate 2.0% or less Click links for detail Note – LEA Admin cannot view and certify certification aggregate reports. 33 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014 33

34 Certification Status Click Total Errors count to review error summary
34 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014 34

35 Certification Error Summary
Click the reveal button to expand or collapse the error summary 1 Click the Show button for detail 2 All fatal errors must be resolved before LEA can certify Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

36 Certification Errors – CERT112
CERT112 is triggered when a student was enrolled any time between July 1 and June 30 of the previous Academic Year and has not been exited prior to August 16 of the reporting Academic Year. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

37 Certification Errors – CERT112
To review and correct a student’s enrollment, copy the SSID and open in new window to find student Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

38 Certification Errors – CERT112
Search for the SSID in State Reporting -> Online Maintenance -> Maintain Student Data Click Student Enrollment Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

39 Certification Errors – CERT112
Find the most current enrollment record of the SSID in your LEA and click Edit Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

40 Certification Errors – CERT112
Update the School Exit Date (with a date prior to 8/16) and School Exit Reason If the student is still enrolled, create a new enrollment for the student being sure to provide the correct grade level for the current academic year. Lastly, Click Validate Enrollment Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

41 Certification Errors – CERT112
Click Post The error will disappear after the next snapshot refresh because of enrollment update Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

42 Certification Errors – CERT067
ELAS Record for Student Not Reported. Click Show to see details below CERT067 error is triggered when a student enrolled on Census Day has no SELA record Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

43 Certification Errors – CERT067
Search for the SSID in State Reporting -> Online Maintenance -> Maintain Student Data Click Student English Language Acquisition Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

44 Certification Errors – CERT067
You will notice the SSID doesn’t have an SELA record. Click Add New Record + to add a new SELA record Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

45 Certification Errors – CERT067
Populate the 3 fields related to English Language Acquisition and click Validate Click Post The error will disappear after the next snapshot refresh because of new SELA record Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

46 Certification Status Click Anomalies Percent for summary report 46 46
Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014 46

47 Anomaly Status Report Must be below 2%. Note the Anomaly % Only includes MIDs and CCEs. Although, ERDs should still be reviewed because they affect graduate and dropout counts. Essential 4 training covers anomaly resolution in detail Reminder: ERD Type B anomalies (dropouts re-enrolled) will be subtracted from the dropout count published to DataQuest. ERD Type C anomalies (lost transfers) will be added to the dropout count published to DataQuest. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

48 Certification Status Click the Snapshot name to access the Certification reports 48 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014 48

49 Certification Reports Review
All eight Aggregate Reports must be reviewed for accuracy A green checkmark will appear next to each report that has been reviewed Supporting reports should be used to further verify that data in the snapshot is accurate. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

50 Review and Verify Reports
Establish Report Review Process Data stewards should review reports Have reviewers sign off to verify they have reviewed Evaluate Certification Aggregate Reports 1.1 Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroup Filter Grade Levels to KN-12, UE, and US 1.6 Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup 1.9 Completers and Dropouts – Count 1.17 FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count 2.1 Title III Eligible Immigrants – Count 2.8 English Language Acquisition Status – Count by Primary Language 2.9 English Language Acquisition Status – Census Comparison 2.12 English Language Acquisition Status – Els Reclassified RFEP Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

51 Certification Reports – 1.1
Click a school’s name or linked category to get a report with student level detail More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual For a description of how the subgroups are calculated, use the Fall 1 Certification Reports Data Mapping under the Quick Links at: Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

52 Certification Reports – 1.2 (Support)
Click the arrows to the right of Student Name to sort alphabetically or reverse the sort More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

53 Certification Reports – 1.5 (Support)
More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Grade and Gender columns can be expanded by pressing the box to the left with the “+” sign and collapsed by pressing the “-” sign Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

54 Certification Reports – 1.6
This report provides graduate and dropout counts in the same sub-categories as report 1.1. More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

55 Certification Reports – 1.9
This report provides completer and dropout counts broken down by their associated types. Notice that this report includes completers that are not necessarily considered high school graduates More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

56 Certification Report – 1.17
Supplemental funding counts are based on: Being identified as FRPM Eligible or Being classified as English Learners or Being identified as Foster Youth. More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

57 Supporting Report – 1.18 Supporting report now shows foster and homeless details for students in selected school derived from weekly CDSS match and SPRG record respectively. More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

58 Certification Reports – 2.1
Report contains data formerly reported on the Student National Origin Report (SNOR) More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

59 English Language Acquisition Status – Count by Primary Language - 2.8
More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

60 English Language Acquisition Status – Census Comparison - 2.9
More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

61 English Language Acquisition Status – ELs Reclassified RFEP - 2.12
More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

62 Certification Reports – 8.1 Student List (Support)
Use Filters to restrict data on reports. This may be useful for producing more limited reports for review by Data Stewards such as your Gate coordinator. More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

63 More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual
Certification Reports – 8.1c Student Profile Dropouts – State View (Support) This list includes dropouts that are counted at the state level but not against the LEA More detail in Section 14 of the CALPADS User Manual Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

64 Certification Reports Review
2 3 1 4 Data Processor Superintendent or Administrator Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

65 Fall 1 Steps 1. Setup 2. Submit data
5. Certify Level 1 (Data Processor) Level 2 (Superintendent) 4. Resolve Anomalies (below 2%) CCEs MIDs 3. Review Reports & Resolve Errors Fix fatal errors Review warnings 2. Submit data SENR SPRG SINF SELA 1. Setup Accounts Roles Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

66 Fall - 1 Suggested Milestones
Now – 10/2 Complete Fall 1 data population in local SIS 10/2 – 10/24 Upload SENR, SELA, and SPRG files. Review validation errors and reconcile as needed (SINF optional) Post SENR, SPRG, SELA & optional SINF files 10/25 – 11/3 Resolve anomalies, resolve certification errors, review certification reports and update records if necessary 11/4 – 11/21 Send reports to site leaders for approval 11/25 – 12/5 Certify Fall-1 (level 1 & level 2) 12/8 – 12/11 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

67 Common Problems Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

68 Common Problems – Validation Errors
The SELA0255 error occurs when there is an invalid change in English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Code. Solution If a student's ELAS Code is being submitted, then the most recent ELAS Code currently stored in the CALPADS ODS must be a valid ELAS in combination with the subsequent ELAS being submitted. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

69 Common Problems – Validation Errors
The SELA0283 error occurs when the ELAS Start Date being submitted is different than the ELAS start date on file in CALPADS for the same ELAS code. Solution The system will maintain a single record per ELA status, regardless of the LEA where the student is enrolled. Only the original owner can update the status date.  If CALPADS has the wrong date contact LEA who owns the record. Otherwise, ignore the error. Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

70 Wrap-Up Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

71 LEA Administrator Responsibilities
* See Essential 2 training slide on Administrator Responsibility (p. 73) for detailed steps on reviewing the security reports Create/revoke accounts Reset passwords Update roles Review security reports Manage accounts Answer questions Provide training Support local users Submit CALPADS support requests on behalf of the LEA Act as liaison Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

72 Resources CALPADS Calendar LCFF Information
LCFF Information System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SELA & SPRG tabs CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions Student Enrollment, Student Information, Student English Lang Stat, Student Programs, and Fall 1 Certification tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2, & – 3.1.9 72 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

73 Resources Self-paced Trainings
CALPADS Q & A Sessions – Every Wednesday Enrollment - FAQs CALPADS - Race and Ethnicity - LCFF - Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) Income Eligibility Under the LCFF Unduplicated Pupils at Schools with Provision 2 and 3 or Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Status English Learners Under the LCFF Foster Youth Under the LCFF County Office of Education Schools and Alternative Education English Language Acquisition Status Reporting Policies 73 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

74 Support Web:
Phone: Listserv: Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014

75 Please Complete Our Survey
Training Evaluation Questions Please Complete Our Survey 75 Fall 1 - Reports and Certification v1.4, October 29, 2014 75


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