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Rosa Parks By Julia Tremblay.

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Presentation on theme: "Rosa Parks By Julia Tremblay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rosa Parks By Julia Tremblay

2 Early Life She was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskey, Alabama
She had to leave her mom to go to a better school She thought the segregation laws were not fair

3 What she is famous for? She said NO on the bus by not giving up her seat to a white man Went to jail for doing that Started a boycott during the civil rights movement

4 Character Traits She is brave because she did not give up her seat on the bus even though it was illegal She is strong because she was not afraid to go to jail

5 Major accomplishments
She helped stop segregation laws She also stopped black people from riding the bus until they could sit where they wanted to

6 Interesting facts The protesters where often harassed or arrested
She died in 2005 She was fired from her job She was honored with two of the countries highest civilian awards She got arrested on December 1, 1955

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