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UTIA Promotion and Tenure Workshop 2018

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1 UTIA Promotion and Tenure Workshop 2018
Fred Tompkins, Interim Dean for AgResearch

2 Integrated Teaching, Research, & Extension
Faculty conducting cutting edge research are also teaching undergraduates and training graduate students and post-docs Research results feed extension programming Input from county agents & clientele to determine research direction This integration sets us apart as a land-grant institution

3 Research Excellence Outcome 1. We achieve sustained, superior short and long term scientific research performance Outcome 2. We engage and maintain a satisfied and loyal clientele Outcome 3. We attain a culture of highly engaged and loyal faculty, staff, and students with a passion for high performance

4 Research Excellence Feel very good that the tenure & promotion process is fair; have not seen bias or undue influence by a single party. However, expectations and accountability exist. UTIA controls its own tenure & promotion committee. Last stop before the Board of Trustees is the UTIA Chancellor. Begin your dossier as soon as possible; add as you go.

5 Research Excellence Develop an identifiable program and also seek collaborations Work in a manner that is consistent with your appointment Graduate students & Post-Doctoral Associates – your own Graduate students – serve on committees Be proactive; you also have a responsibility for these students Make sure that you are contributing at a level that warrants authorship Ensure that these students are presenting at professional society meetings and publishing in the refereed literature

6 Refereed Publications
Data available on AgResearch Intranet: “total ref”

7 Refereed Publications
Articulate your program: reader can tell publications are from your program Collaborations are important – some, but not all, publications from collaborations There is plenty of room in the dossier. Make sure reader knows everyone’s role. Identify role of every author for every paper rather than using symbols. Order of authorship is becoming less important Seek high quality journals consistent with nature of the work. UTIA does not track Journal Impact Factor or H-statistic; use if you desire.

8 Refereed Publications
Book chapters, books, other refereed venues Multi-State Project participation Productivity level varies with discipline Utilize data for refereed and non-refereed publications Look for international programs opportunities, but make sure that appropriate metrics result from the work

9 Presentations at Professional Society Meetings With Abstract

10 Presentations at Professional Society Meetings With Abstract
Faculty, graduate students, post-docs present at professional society meetings with abstract Assistant Professor: Serve on professional society committees. Associate Professor: Chair professional society committees, organize workshops/symposia, invited talks Assistant Professor: Professional society journals: serve as peer reviewer. Associate Professor: Editorship for professional society journals Federal Agencies: serve as review panel member. Associate: chair peer review panels for federal agencies

11 Invention Disclosures
Contact UTRF for invention disclosures- calendar year, all of UTIA

12 Invention Disclosures
Not all faculty programs result in protectable intellectual property; get to know UTRF There are probably more opportunities than you think for protection of your ideas Where appropriate file invention disclosure; work with UTRF during process Be actively engaged in licensing process Start-Up company formation – perhaps after tenure UTIA’s mission is to serve as an economic driver for the state’s economy

13 UTIA Extramural Awards
It’s not about the money; it’s about what the money allows us to do. Discipline specific in terms of sources of funding There are more federal opportunities than you think Make sure everything adds up on dossier; total award, your portion Get to know UTIA Office of Sponsored Programs

14 UTIA Extramural Awards
UTIA Awards by entity “total.” Report came from Jane Burns.

15 AgResearch & Education Centers

16 Take advantage of UTIA Sponsored Programs office
AgResearch Faculty Development Fellows Program Travel grant opportunity (papers at scientific meetings) Travel opportunity to visit federal agency program directors Internal grants program Equipment grant program “Orange Team” proposal review

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