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IGG Workshop IGG Workshop, Tuesday 26th October, 2010,

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Presentation on theme: "IGG Workshop IGG Workshop, Tuesday 26th October, 2010,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IGG Workshop IGG Workshop, Tuesday 26th October, 2010,
Grand Canal Hotel, Grand Canal Street, Dublin 4. Hotel Website 1

2 Agenda Introduction & Agenda 10:30 – 10:40
Wrap Up of Work from last IGG MCR1033 (DR MP Bus Ref on 300/W) 10:40 – 10:55 MCR0179 (Downloadable Meter Point file) 10:55 – 11:10 MCR0172 (Small Supplier Threshold) & MCR0062 (New Rules for MPD 1 – COS) 11.10 – 11.15 MCR Prioritisation Exercise 11.15 – 11.55 Review of Objectives, Scope and Logistics Voting and Prioritisation Next Steps 11.55 – 12.00 2

3 Requested Change At today’s Meeting
MCR1033 – Adding MP Bus Ref to COLE reads on the 300 MM V1.0 (was DR0181) Requested Change Provision of MP Bus Ref on 300 (and 300W) MM in response to 016 MM Allows suppliers to uniquely identify the originating 016 MM Field already on 300/300W MM so no schema impact Approved as DR at IGG 12 Oct 2010 No change in text from DR At today’s Meeting For Approval to MCR 3

4 MCR0179 – Downloadable Meter Point Details File V3.0
Clarifications following IGG Last actual read field not available on download...this had been previously advised and has been removed from the MCR for clarity Estimate count field can be used to infer when an actual read was last used, therefore no additional flag is required i.e If estimate count is =>6 , based on bi-monthly read cycle there would be no actual read used for 12 months. Once an actual read is used the counter resets to zero. File Deliver Mechanism Now proposed to use a Manage File Transfer service, the MCR has been updated to reflect this. At today’s Meeting Acceptance of clarifications and approval of reversioned MCR. 4

5 MCR0172 – Redefinition of Small Supplier Threshold
Background Discussed at IGG 22 Jan 2009, but not approved IGG of 1 Mar 2009 reverted this to DR DR was not subsequently discussed or approved At today’s Meeting Removal from Active Request List and prioritisation exercise 5

6 MCR0062 – New Rules for MPD 1 - COS
Background Discussed at IGG 6th April 2006 New billing code of practice was due at that time so MPs held off further discussion until that appeared MCR was never subsequently discussed or approved At today’s Meeting Removal from Active Request List and prioritisation exercise 6

7 ROI-Specific Prioritisation Workshop
Objectives & Caveat Allow Market Participants to voice their preferences for specific MCRs as input to the current ESBN planning cycle Output will be a ranked list of changes and will be only one input into the current planning cycle Scope of Exercise Include approved ROI-Specific requests from active HRDS Request List MCR0130 (Extra validation rules for 306/307) MCR0173 (Sending of 331 MM when import/export to different Supplier) MCR0179 (Downloadable Meter Point File) MCR1033 (Was DR0181 – MP Bus Ref on 300/300W MM) Include “guest” Harmonisation Requests that are approved and have very low impact on Baseline MCR0166 (Generator ID on Extranet) MCR0180 (Additional MM to EirGrid) MCR0178 (Excess Gen over Demand) (For approval at HWG today; included as highly synergistic with Global Aggregation MCR) 7

8 ROI-Specific Prioritisation Workshop
Voting Arrangements Open forum format Simple Rank-Order voting as per previous prioritisation rounds but with no pre-meeting submissions by MPs MPs will rank each of the MCRs as 1, 2, 3… in order of their preference. MCRs of no interest should be ranked as 0 MPs will see all other MPs votes and will have an opportunity to revise their own rankings on the day when all votes are visible Output A ranked list of MCRs will be issued to Market for information along with any other actions/decisions arising on the day 8

9 Closing Summary of work done Any major outstanding work items
Next steps 9

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