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Creative writing at KS4 : IED

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1 Creative writing at KS4 : IED
Friday, 07 December 2018 Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

2 AIMS: To improve the quality of the creative writing produced
To understand how writers’ choices affect the quality of their writing To recognise and develop the skills needed to achieve high marks in examination writing To explore a range of styles and approaches to this triplet: Inform, Explain, Describe. Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

3 What sort of texts? Work in pairs and make a list of writing that might fall into these categories – consider making it in Venn Diagram form. Inform explain describe Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

4 How many? How often do you read this sort of material? Again, discuss, this time on tables, what you have read that falls into these categories. We’ll hear some of the responses – are you weak in any one area? There’s always the library! Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

5 WHY? Exam relevance: Edexcel Certificate ENGLISH LANGUAGE paper 1.
Reading and analysing non fiction Writing IED. Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

6 How is writing judged? We will return to this again and again, but let’s take a look at how we should assess our writing. writingtripletsmarkscheme.pdf What do you notice about what success will look like? Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

7 TASK: Heading “Writing IED: route to success”
Under this heading write 4 bullet points to help you to attain as high a mark as possible. Use the mark scheme to guide you. Discuss with a colleague for 5 minutes before any writing takes place. Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

8 MOVING ON… Techniques to spot.
T triplets or triplecolons (for the very keen) R rhetorical questions A adverbs and adjectives P polls and statistics P personal anecdote E emotive language R repetition S sentence length Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

9 Effect: Look at the following passage from chapter 1 of “Memoirs of a rambling man” by Jonathan Peel. What is he describing? How does/did he feel? What effects is he trying to create? ..\..\year11\old material\autobiography\model.docx Annotate the passage in pairs to note any use of TRAPPERS… Use colour and try to explain the choice and effect. Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

10 YOU: Ever been scared? What is worse, the anticipation or the actual event? How do you know you are scared? Is this physical or mental… Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

11 So, how would you describe this feeling?
NB in Description, nothing needs to happen at all! If you build up the anticipation the effect is greater… SENSES. Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

12 Discuss A typical exam question might be:
“Describe a time when you were really scared of something which turned out not to be as bad as you had feared.” Talk about this with a neighbour Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

13 Prepare to write: Make a personal lexicon of key words or phrases for you idea – remember that language choice is vital! Plan your writing: A flow chart, paragraph by paragraph, including key “LEXIS”. Take time. The success of your work will hinge in the detail of your planning. Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

14 Writing task: “Describe a time when you were really scared of something which turned out not to be as bad as you had feared.” Jonathan Peel UCGS 2013

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