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Demographic Tranisition

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Presentation on theme: "Demographic Tranisition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demographic Tranisition

2 Demographic Transition
"Demographic Transition" is a model that describes population change over time

3 STAGE ONE Associated with pre Modern times
Characterized by a balance between birth rates and death rates High Birth Rates + High Death Rates

4 STAGE TWO Rise in population caused by a decline in the death rate while the birth rate remains high Causes First-  improvements in food supply brought about by higher yields as agricultural practices Second- significant improvements in public health that reduced mortality

5 STAGE THREE  Population towards stability through a decline in the birth rate. Factors: Previously discussed reasons Not require so many children to be born to ensure a comfortable old age. Increasing urbanization changes the traditional values Increasing female literacy and employment Improvements in contraceptive

6 STAGE FOUR Characterized by stability. In this stage the population age structure has become older Fertility rate falls well below replacement and population decline sets in rapidly

7 Demographic Transition Model


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