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Training Module Presented by Steve Wright

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1 Training Module Presented by Steve Wright
CEMQual Training Module Presented by Steve Wright 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

2 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.
CEMQual CEMQual is a module designed to assist operators comply with the requirements of BS EN 14181 It accepts data input manually It can perform all the key calculations for QAL2, AST and QAL3 It can produce CUSUM, Shewhart and moving median graphs All graphs and spreadsheet data can be printed or output as a JPEG picture. Fully compliant with EN and validated by AEA Technology 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

3 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.
EN 14181 BS EN applies only to CEMs permanently installed at WID and LCPD installations. It does not apply to portable CEMs, such as those used in SRMs. These requirements are described in the applicable standards for SRMs. Also BS EN only applies to the CEMs themselves and not the data collection and recording systems. BS EN specifies three quality assurance levels (QALs) and an annual surveillance test (AST). These quality assurance levels follow a logical sequence to demonstrate the suitability of the CEM, its correct installation, commissioning, and calibration, followed by continuing and correct operation. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

4 Quality Assurance Levels
QAL1 A procedure to demonstrate that the CEM is suitable for the intended purpose before installation, by meeting required performance standards and the uncertainty budgets specified in EU Directives. QAL2 A procedure to calibrate the CEM once it has been installed, using SRMs and verify whether it still meets the required uncertainty budgets, once installed. QAL3 A procedure to maintain and demonstrate the required quality of the CEM duing its normal operation by checking the zero and span readings. AST A procedure to evaluate the CEM to show that it continues to function correctly and the calibration function is still valid. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

5 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.
QAL 1 The first level of quality assurance, QAL1, demonstrates the potential suitability of the CEM before it is installed on a stack. In England and Wales, MCERTS certification at an appropriate certification range is taken as evidence of compliance with the QAL1 requirements. The WID and LCPD specify uncertainty budgets expressed as 95% Confidence Intervals. Whilst the procedure for determining uncertainties is described in BS EN ISO 14956, making use of type-testing data, the procedure is both complex and prone to differing interpretations. Therefore the Environment Agency’s approach is to make use of the known linear relationship between uncertainty budgets and certification ranges, whereby the suitability of a CEM is determined by using certified ranges. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

6 Baseline ranges, ELV and Uncertainties
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7 CEMQual Configuration
07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

8 CEMQual Configuration
Select measurement point and measurand Enter operator name and password Enter data in CEMQual/ EN14181 data section Enter slope and zero offset data in “CemSuite calibration” section 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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QAL 2 The second level of quality assurance, QAL2, specifies procedures to verify that the CEM has been installed correctly, calibrated using Standard Reference Methods ( SRM) and that the CEM still meets the uncertainty requirements the EU Directives. The correct installation and functionality of the CEM is verified through inspection and through a set of functional tests, examining performance characteristics such as response time and linearity. SRMs are used to calculate a calibration function for the CEM. The uncertainty of the installed CEM is then determined by calculating the variability of the calibration function. Once installed, the uncertainty of the CEM’s measurements may increase due to specific (and sometimes unique) factors at the installation, such as the position of the CEMs or its sampling system, environmental conditions, stack gas conditions and uncertainties of calibration gases. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

10 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.
QAL 2 The QAL2 procedures are carried out when: - the CEM is installed (within 6 months of installation) then at least every three (under the WID) or five years (under the LCPD); whenever there is a significant change in plant operation which changes the emissions; after a failure of the CEM so that significant repair is required; after an significant upgrade or other significant change to the CEM. . 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

11 Test Data Entry QAL 2/AST
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Manual Data Entry Select Measurement Point Select Measurand Clear grid Select number of test results to be entered Open grid for editing Make frame Enter test data pairs Save data 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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QAL2/AST analysis 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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QAL 2 data analysis Firstly click on “Import test data” to enter data from Test data page Check Spreadsheet amd QAL2/AST radio buttons Matrix will automatically fill and perform calculations. Check results box 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

15 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.
QAL 2 data analysis Select slope and zero in green Slope = span of the analyser Zero = zero offset Range = range of the analyser from zero to nn.nn Variability represents the spread of results. Click on “Apply cal factors” to see effect of applying new zero and slope” Click on Graph radio button to see calibration graph 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Calibration graph 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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QAL 3 The QAL3 procedure ensures that the CEM remains within the required specifications during continued use. QAL3 achieves this by requiring the plant operator to regularly measure the drift and the frequency of the drift measurements . The frequency between checks depends on the maintenance interval determined during the QAL1 tests, and can be anything from one week to several months. The use of CUSUM charts, however, requires drift tests to be carried out at least weekly. In many CEMS the QAL 3 tests are conducted automatically within an instrument and therefore occur more frequently. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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QAL 3 Data Entry 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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QAL 3 data Entry To start new chart Access Test data page and select measurement point and measurand Select number of lines of data required Click on new data Select spreadsheet radio button Select Zero or span chart Enter analyser output in yt box Subsequent data entry – follow steps 1, 4, 5, 6 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Control charts Select the chart you have selected by clicking on the appropriate radio button. Select graph radio button Shewart charts are normally used for FTIR analysers. Cusum drift , Shewhart and Moving media charts use scale 1 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Cusum Chart 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Cusum Precision 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Shewhart Chart 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Moving Median Chart 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

25 Annual Surveillance Test (AST)
The annual surveillance test (AST) is a mini-QAL2 test. Its key objective is to check whether the calibration function determined during the QAL2 tests is still valid. The AST consists of the same functional tests as those used in QAL2, whilst the calibration function is checked by using a smaller number of repetitions of the SRMs (typically five repetitions.) If the calibration function is still valid, then no further action is required. If the AST shows that the calibration function is no longer valid, then a full QAL2 is required. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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AST The AST is very similar to the QAL2 test but is performed on those years when a QAL2 is not. Normally only 5 SRM’s are performed Key difference is the variability test which is designed to check the response up to two times ELV 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Variability Matrix 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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Variability test Click on test data and select measurement point and measurand Click on linearity tab Perform 5 gas injections at 0, 20, 40, 60,80 percent of twice ELV Repeat twice more Enter data in matrix Note results. 07/12/2018 Technical and Marketing Resources Ltd.

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