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HAIR – the rules.

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Presentation on theme: "HAIR – the rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAIR – the rules

2 Natural Hair colour only
Not a new rule – see your student journal

3 Natural Hair colour explained
Natural looking highlights not natural looking highlights Colour too different to your natural colour If you are highlighting your hair, it needs to be within a few shades of the base colour so there isn’t a dramatic difference in hair colour. We advise 2 shades to be on the safe side

4 Natural Hair colour explained
Natural looking colouring not natural looking colouring If you are dying your hair, it needs to be in such a way that it looks like it is natural – the line taken on this is if it can’t naturally grow like that then it’s not natural.

5 Dying your hair THINK- how will it look growing out?!
If you are dying your hair, and it is very different from the base colour you need to think about how it will look growing out. On all of the images above, THIS ISN’T ACCEPTABLE AND YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO : RE-DYE WEARING IN A STYLE AGREED BY SCHOOL IF YOU REFUSE = follow the school procedures

6 No extreme hair styles Not a new rule – see your student journal

7 No extreme hairstyles By extreme hairstyles we mean:
Any patterns shaved into the hair (including tram lines) Any length shorter than a grade 2 Any extreme differences in length of hair like Rhianna

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