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Breaking Boredom: Interactive training Tips

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1 Breaking Boredom: Interactive training Tips
RCAP Conference, New Orleans 2018

2 Jump right in! In your groups, determine who has trained most recently. That person gets to appoint your group recorder. As a group, brainstorm … 5 training behaviors that put you to sleep. 10 training behaviors that wake you up.

3 Today’s Presenter RosAnna Noval 503-308-0207
Introduce trainer.

4 Tic-tac-toe – You should know…
With your partner, play tic-tac-toe. One person is X, the other is O. Take turns placing them in the grid. Goal is to get three in a row. Have them find a partner that is from another RCAP or agency. Someone they do not know. Or if it is crowded or difficult to move around, let them pair up with a person next to them. Before you place each X or O, you must share a fact about yourself.

5 WII-FM Why participate? What’s In It For Me?
Why participate? Answer this question early and often for adult learners. How will it benefit them? What will they gain? Start with expectations as an opener perhaps and review whether they were met at the end of the session. Show how skills or knowledge gained can be used on the job. Provide Prizes/fun! Along with What’s In It For Me, comes MMFI-AM “Make Me Feel Important About Myself.” Make sure they know what they are getting AND acknowledge what they already bring to the table. Like all humans, the participants in your class want to feel valued for who they are. Including these two concepts are important for buy-in during the course and longer retention. Acknowledge that adults bring their life experience with them. Build in ways for them to use it and give input. If you have experienced and inexperienced people, team them up so experienced person can assist inexperienced if appropriate. Ideas include: Give credit for experience. Say Thank You and I invite you Learn participant names Choose group leaders by years of experience Participants should leave the training feeling excited about what they can now do and with greater feelings of confidence in both what they’ve learned and what they can now accomplish. What’s In It For Me?

6 Pull out those smart phones!
Technology in the training room Today’s example: Poll Everywhere In your web browser, go to:



9 60/20/10 No more than 60 minutes of training at one time
Chunk the content into 20 minute segments Have participants do something every 10 minutes

10 Thank you for participating!
RosAnna Noval

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