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The Reformation.

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1 The Reformation

2 Agenda Bell Ringer: How does the Black Death and the Printing Press lead to changes in Religion? Lecture: Luther, Calvin, and the Protestant Reformation. Document Analysis: 95 Theses Compare and Contrast Luther and Calvin Cause and Effects of Martin Luther Review and Testing Guidelines, you will receive a copy on Thursday.

3 Overview: Reformation
Martin Luther believed he had the one true vision of the church and attempted to correct all other Christians. In the end he further subdivided the church.

4 1. The Sale of Indulgences
In the Catholic faith, indulgences reduce penalties due for sins. Tetzel, a Dominican Friar claimed that indulgences would automatically remove guilt and the penalty. Luther claims that indulgences are wrong. Painting by Carracci

5 2. 95 Theses He forbid the sale of indulgences.
Luther felt indulgences created a middle person that interfered with God. Indulgences cannot get you out of purgatory, only God can. The focus needed to be on God, not the Pope or Priests.

6 3. Pope Leo X He was not in a hurry to deal with Luther. “Just a monk”
He ordered a reply to the theses, but Luther increased his attack on the Papacy. 1520, Luther is excommunicated.

7 4. Diet of Worms 1521, Luther is granted a hearing to recant his theses. He refused, claiming that Scripture was the only source for him. Then he begins the Lutheran Church.

8 5. Calvinism Men and women are sinful by nature. Predestination
He already has a plan Very strict… No card games, no dancing, no bright clothing, no sleeping in church, no art, no theater…

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