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Spinal Cord!.

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Presentation on theme: "Spinal Cord!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spinal Cord!

2 Spinal cord connects the brain to the PNS

3 Spinal cord is surrounded by
bone for protection

4 How big is the actual cord?
Very small!!! Look for the H!! H is the gray matter

5 through a canal within the backbone
The spinal cord exits the skull through a hole known as the foramen magnum. Extends downward through a canal within the backbone

6 Spinal Cord 1. White matter is myelinated (W/M)
Contains 2 types of nerve tissue---gray and white matter 1. White matter is myelinated (W/M) made mostly of interneurons 2. Gray matter is central and unmyelinated made of cell bodies of motor neurons

7 Spinal Cord M U/M White= Myelinated

8 The spinal cord is surrounded by 3 meninges (membranes)
White matter Grey matter Pia mater Ventral root Arachnoid membrane Dorsal root Dura mater The spinal cord is surrounded by 3 meninges (membranes)

9 Dorsal Ventral

10 Dorsal Root contains Sensory neurons

11 Try labeling this diagram!!
Answers on the next slide!

12 Answers!! Sensory Neuron Effector Spinal cord Receptor Central Canal
InterNeuron Gray Matter White matter Motor Nerve Answers!!


14 Different parts of the spinal cord control different parts of the body
This info is used a lot by chiropractors & physiotherapists!

15 Try labeling this diagram!!

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