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AlAnoud Saleh Almansouri - H

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1 AlAnoud Saleh Almansouri - H00293319

2 1. Toad was surprised when he came late to work and saw that the Indian workers were doing their work perfectly, so he apologised and asked :” what would make their work day more positive experience? , and he got several answers one of them was : “May I bring in my family pictures on my desk ?" . Which shows how he really cared and applicate his family to even bring their picture to his desk.

3 High context cultures have great sense of family, strong boundaries, long lasting relationships and strong ties with extended families, that’s what the Indian worker showed. Unlike Todd who was surprised, because apparently he's from a low context culture who ted to have interpersonal short-term relationship and don’t have that strong sense of family but individual of responsibility instead . The Monk who Stole the Cow (2016), . Trinder, high/low context culture 2016.

4 2. Tod and pre were sitting there, chatting whilst having snacks and drinks, and the chat led puro to predict that Todd misses his parents since he's away, but Todd was quick to say no he doesn’t miss them at all, and the puro asked again if he lives with his parents and tod’s answer was negative with a small chuckle which left Puro indeed surprised.

5 Individualism and Collectivism (IDV)
Todd doesn’t live with his parent and he doesn’t really meet up with them very often which reflects his Individualism culture (being independent and self-sustained, is the belief that the needs of each person are more important than the needs of the whole society or group. They tend to take actions without being concerned about what other people will think . ) Unlike the Indian guy ( Puro) who was absolutely shocked to hear that from the American guy since hes from a Collectivist culture ( focuses on the performance of a group when they sacrifice their values for the sake of the family and the group (Hofstede Centre 2016). Individualism Scores : India : America : 91

6 3. Todd and Asha were walking around the town, and Asha was nervous and kind of feeling uncomfortable because she was afraid that people might talk badly about her being seen with him and speaking wit him, however Todd wasn’t taking that seriously as he was trying to point out that she is a free women and that she can do whatever she wants, but nether less she held her gourds.

7 Indulgence versus Restraint (IND) :
Todd was obviously from an Indulgent culture as he was trying to point out that she's a free women, because Indulgent cultures focuses on freedom of speech and personal constraint and enjoying life. Unlike Restraint Asha who was certainly from restrained culture referring to how nervous she was with Todd in front of people , as Restrained societies suppress gratification of needs and regulate it by means of strict social norms. (Hofstede Centre 2016), (Communicaid 2016). Indulgence Scores : USA : India : 26

8 4. Todd was on the phone with his manager from the US. and he was talking back and forth very casually with no Mr. or Sir, he was calling him by his name “Dave” , whilst Puro always call him Mister and you notice how respectful he's being with him during and after work .

9 Power Distance Index : Power distance refers to the way in which power is distributed and the extent to which the less powerful accept that power is distributed unequally. Put simply, people in some cultures accept a higher degree of unequally distributed power than do people in other cultures just like how Puro did. When in a high power distance culture the relationship between bosses and subordinates is one of dependence. When in a low power distance society the relationship between bosses and subordinates is one of interdependence like Todd.(thearticulateceo, 2016). Power Distance Index Scores : India : USA : 40

10 5. As Puro and Todd exchanged business cards, and as shown in the scene Puro’s card read that he is the “Future Call Center Manager”, whilst Todd’s read that he is the Executive Vice-president of marketing and order fulfilment without the word future.

11 Long-term orientation vs Short-term orientation scores:
Long-term orientation is when you are focused on the future, you value persistence, perseverance and have strong work ethic, they show great respect for status difference and social order and long-range goals just like Puro. Unlike Todd, who is apparently from a short-term orientation which only focus on the past or the present and consider them more than the future, and care more about immediate gratification. Long-term orientation vs Short-term orientation scores: India : USA : 26

12 6. As Todd and Asha were hanging out, the conversation drove to the marriage direction when he asked her why would she worry about what people might say and she responded with a valid reason in her point of view which was her being engaged .. Because their families been knowing each other for generations even though she doesn’t know him personally and Todd was literarily surprised because he never thought she would have an arrange marriage.

13 Asha, being a girl from a high context culture she has a very strong sense of family which led her to obey their decision on getting an arranged marriage, which also showed very rare marriage with outsiders especially when she mentioned their families have been together for generations . Todd however found it very unfair considering he's from a low context culture who believed that individual freedom is valued, and has very strong sense of fairness and you could noticed that when he mentioned that she's a free women and he cant believe a smart girl like her would get married in that way which only showed that he cares about fairness and freedom . Trinder, high/low context culture 2016.

14 APA REFERENCES : (Cultural differences: High Context and Low Context, 2010) (Hofstede, 2016) (MacLachlan, 2013) (2016, March 05). Retrieved February 27, 2016 from Hofstede: THE 6TH DIMENSION. Retrieved February 29,2016 from communicaid: Cultural differences: High Context and Low Context. (2010, Jan 31). Retrieved March 2, 2016 from The Monk Who stole the cow:

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