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The Dative Case.

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1 The Dative Case

2 Exercise 22d 1. Patruus pecuniam puerīs dat. puerīs - i.o.
The uncle gives money to the boys.

3 Exercise 22d 2. Ancilla invita cauponi scelesto cibum tradit.
cauponi scelesto - i.o. The unwilling slave girl hands over food to the wicked innkeeper. The slave girl unwillingly hands over food to the wicked innkeeper.

4 Exercise 22d Omnia patri meo semper dico. patri meo - i.o.
I always tell everything to my father.

5 Exercise 22d Nihil legato principis dixit. legato - i.o.
He (She) said nothing to the emperor’s envoy.

6 Exercise 22d 5. Cornelius epistulam ad Titum misit et omnia ei explicavit. ei - i.o. Cornelius sent a letter to Titus and explained everything to him.

7 Exercise 22d 6. Marcus, “Tace, Sexte!” inquit. “Nobis non licet hīc clamare.” Nobis - with impersonal verb Marcus said, “Shut-up, Sextus! It is not allowed for us to shout here.

8 Exercise 22d 7. In somnīs Aulus amico Septimo apparuit.
amico Septimo - with intransitive verb In his dreams Aulus appeared to his friend Septimus.

9 Exercise 22d 8. Dum Cornelii urbi appropinquabant, Titus omnia eīs parabat. urbi - with intransitive verb eīs - i.o. While the Cornelii were approaching the city, Titus was preparing everything for them.

10 Exercise 22d 9. Apollodorus Corneliīs cubicula monstrat.
Corneliīs - i.o. Apollodorus shows the rooms to the Cornelii.

11 Exercise 22d 10. Servi alium lectum Aureliae paraverunt.
Aureliae - i.o. The slaves prepared another bed for Aurelia.

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