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Fall 2008 Capstone Experience: Abbey Lukianowicz and Mira Banugaria.

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1 Fall 2008 Capstone Experience: Abbey Lukianowicz and Mira Banugaria

2 School Bus Retrofit Project This was our main project during our experience with the ALA It was started by the Cleveland Clean Air Century Campaign (A division of the American Lung Association) Goal is to reduce the exposure to diesel exhaust for children riding a school bus in Cleveland by reducing diesel emissions. Another goal is to educate the public on how to reduce diesel emissions and exposure. The Cleveland school buses are being retrofitted with diesel particulate matter filters and crank case filters to meet the goal of reducing diesel exhaust.

3 School Bus Retrofit Project We worked with Dr. Sumida Khatri, her research team and staff from Metro Hospital through the American Lung Association. Research has shown that diesel pollution exacerbates asthma symptoms in children that are exposed to it. This is why Dr. Khatri would like to study: the number of times that children were given asthma medication in school before and after the buses were retrofitted the difference in air quality around the bus before and after retrofitting

4 Population we worked with Over the summer, CWRU nursing students gathered data on school nurse visits relating to asthma and overall school nurse visits every month. Data was gathered for about 20 schools from four neighborhoods in Cleveland. Those neighborhoods were Slavic Village, Tremont, Lee-Miles and St. Clair. Cleveland is considered a diesel hot spot by the Ohio Environmental Council which is why it is important to study the changes that the school bus retrofitting project may be making.

5 School Bus Testing The next step after gathering data from schools was testing the air quality inside and outside the bus for the presence of different sized particles. We did this with Dr. Khatri, her research team and some of the American Lung Association staff. Two buses were tested three times. Day 1: Testing before the bus was retrofitted. Day 2: Testing after the diesel particulate matter filter installed. Day 3: Testing after the crank case filter installed. Diesel particulate matter filter Crank Case filter and connecting parts

6 Results of the School Bus Retrofit Project At least 90% of the Cleveland school bus fleet has been retrofitted. Results from testing air quality in buses are: Day 1: Pollution levels higher inside when the bus is idling with windows closed than when bus off, but pollution levels drop considerably when windows opened with bus idling. Day 1: Higher pollution levels seen inside the bus with windows closed and driving compared to when the bus is idling. Day 2: Pollution levels at tailpipe are considerable lower when bus is on than Day 1 levels. Day 2: Pollution levels inside the bus are some what lower than Day 1 levels. Day 2: Pollution levels still increased inside the bus when driving compared to when idling but not as much of an increase as Day 1. Day 3: Decrease in pollution levels inside the bus when driving compared to Day 2.

7 Next Steps for the Bus Project With the data gathered, a 2% decrease in the number of bronchodilators given in school was seen but this is not a significant result. The next step is to gather more data on asthma from other schools to get a larger sample size for a more accurate result.

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