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The 1920’s Era Vocab.

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1 The 1920’s Era Vocab

2 Conservative: Those less willing to bring about or accept change; prefer tradition
Flapper: A young woman, especially of the 1920s, who shows bold freedom from conventions in conduct and dress. Liberal: Open minded; willing to accept new ideas and bring about change; challenge tradition Red: A radical, anarchist, or communist Rural: Country areas with few people living there

3 Anarchist: People who want to do away with government
Installment Plan: A system in which a consumer may buy & take possession of goods, paying for them at agreed-upon intervals while having use of the goods Urbanization/Urban Sprawl: The growth of cities and the suburbs surrounding them

4 Bootlegger: one who produces, reproduces, or distributes alcohol illicitly or without authorization
Corruption: Inducement to do wrong by unlawful or improper means Fundamentalism: a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching Intolerant: The unwillingness to put up with something or someone

5 Ku Klux Klan: A secret society whose purpose was to ensure white supremacy over blacks; also opposed to Jews, catholics, & foreigners Speakeasy: Illegal bar during prohibition Prohibition: when the 18th amendment made it illegal to make, sell, or transport alcohol in the U.S. Wet Versus Dry: Wets were against prohibition; drys were in favor or prohibition

6 Xenophobia: intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

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