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CKM Fits: What the Data Say
Stéphane T’Jampens LAPP (CNRS/IN2P3 & Université de Savoie) On behalf of the CKMfitter group
The CKM Matrix: Four Unknowns
Q q VqQ Q q from |Vud| (nuclear transitions) and |Vus| (semileptonic K decays) combined precision: 0.5% from |Vcb| (inclusive and exclusive semileptonic B decays) combined precision: 2% from (mainly) CKM angle measurements: combined precision: 20% ( ), 7% ( ) Measurement of Wolfenstein parameters:
Dms : 17.31 (stat.) ± 0.07 (syst.) ps-1
Inputs: Dms hep-ex/ 17 < Dms < 21 C.L. hep-ex/ Dms : (stat.) ± 0.07 (syst.) ps-1 +0.33 -0.18
|Vub| (incl.) [10-3] = 4.48 ± 0.24 ± 0.39 (our average)
Inputs (major changes): |Vub| (incl.) |Vub| (incl.) [10-3] = 4.48 ± 0.24 ± 0.39 (our average)
Inputs (major changes): sin 2
“The” raison d’être of the B factories: 0.710 ± ± [BABAR(348m)] 0.642 ± ± [Belle (532m)] sin2b = 0.674 ± (0.023 stat-only) 0.070 ± ± [BABAR] ± ± [Belle] ICHEP ‘06 C(J/yK0) = 0.012 ± (0.017 stat-only) Conflict with sin2eff from s-penguin modes ? (New Physics (NP)?) 0.55 ± 0.11 ± [BABAR(347m)] 0.64 ± 0.10 ± [Belle (532m)] sin2b (h’K0)= 0.60 ± 0.08 0.12 ± [BABAR(347m)] 0.44 ± 0.27 ± [Belle (386m)] NB: a disagreement would falsify the SM. The interference NP/SM amplitudes introduces hadronic uncertainties Cannot determine the NP parameters cleanly sin2b (fK0)= 0.31 ± 0.21 NP can contribute differently among the various s-penguin modes Meaning of the average?
Inputs (major changes): angle a
Tree : dominant Penguin : competitive ? Time-dependent CP observable : realistic scenario Time-dependent CP analysis of B0 +– alone determines eff : but, we need ! Isospin analysis ( can be resolved up to an 8-fold ambiguity within [0,])
Isospin Analysis: B→ pp
BABAR (347m) Belle (532m) Average S –0.53 ± 0.14 ± 0.02 –0.61 ± 0.10 ± 0.04 –0.58 ± 0.09 C –0.16 ± 0.11 ± 0.03 –0.55 ± 0.08 ± 0.05 –0.39 ± 0.07 “agreement”: 2.6σ BABAR & Belle
Isospin Analysis: B→ rr
BABAR (347m) Belle (275m) Average Srr –0.19 ± 0.21 0.08 ± 0.41 ± 0.09 –0.13 ± 0.19 Crr –0.07 ± 0.15 ± 0.06 0.0 ± 0.3 ± 0.09 –0.06 ± 0.14 +0.05 -0.07 BABAR & Belle ± 0.06 fL00 BABAR (347m) (1.2±0.4±0.3)x10-6 BR00 +0.11 -0.13 Isospin analysis : a = [ 94 ± 21 ] º
Isospin analysis B→pp:
Isospin Analysis: angle aeff [B→ pp/rr] Isospin analysis B→pp: Isospin analysis B→rr: |a-aeff| < 32.1º (95% CL) |a-aeff| < 22.4º (95% CL)
(include new rp Dalitz BABAR)
Isospin Analysis: angle a [B→pp /rp /rr] aB-Factories = [ ] º +11 -9 aGlobal Fit = [ ] º +5 -19 (include new rp Dalitz BABAR) B→rr: at very large statistics, systematics and model-dependence will become an issue B→ρ Dalitz analysis: model-dependence is an issue !
Putting it all together
t h e g l o b a l C K M f i t Inputs:
CP-insensitive observables imply CP violation !
The global CKM fit: Testing the CKM Paradigm CP Conserving CP Violating CP-insensitive observables imply CP violation ! Angles (no theory) No angles (with theory)
The global CKM fit: Testing the CKM Paradigm (cont.)
ICHEP 2006 Tree (NP-Free) Loop [No NP in DI=3/2 b→d EW penguin amplitude Use a with b (charmonium) to cancel NP amplitude] CKM mechanism: dominant source of CP violation The global fit is not the whole story: several DF=1 rare decays are not yet measured Sensitive to NP
Radiative Penguin Decays: BR(B→rg)/BR(B→K*g)
0.55 1.25 Belle (386m) BABAR (347m) ± 0.09 ± 0.07 r+g r0g +0.21 -0.19 +0.35 -0.31
NP Parameterization in Bs system
Grossman, PL B380, 99 (1996) Dunietz, Fleischer, Nierste, PRD 63, (2001) Hypothesis: NP in loop processes only (negligible for tree processes) Mass difference: Dms = (Dms)SM rs2 Width difference: DGsCP = (DGs)SMcos2(2c-2qs) Semileptonic asymmetry: AsSL=-Re(G12/M12)SM sin(2qs)/rs2 Syf = sin(2c-2qs) NP wrt to SM: reduces DGs enhances Dms UT of Bd system: non-degenerated (hd,sd) strongly correlated to the determination of (r,h) UT of Bs system: highly degenerated (hs,ss) almost independent of (r,h) Bs mixing phase very small in SM: c= (deg) Bs mixing: very sensitive probe to NP
NP in Bs System Dms, DGs and AsSL s(Dms)= 0.035, s(sin(2c)=0.1
0.2 fb-1 First constraint for NP in the Bs sector Still plenty of room for NP Large theoretical uncertainties: LQCD hs ~<= 3 (hd ~<=0.3, hK ~<= 0.6)
Prospective: LHCb 2fb-1 (2010 ?)?
note: “expected” improvement from Lattice QCD is taken into account. s(Dms)=0.01 s(sin2b)=0.02 s(a) = 10º s(g) = 5º assumptions:
Conclusion CKM mechanism: success in describing flavor dynamics of many constraints from vastly different scales. With the increase of statistics, lots of assumptions will be needed to be reconsidered [e.g., extraction of a from B→3p,4p, etc., PEW, …] Bs: an independent chapter in Nature’s book on fundamental dynamics there is no reason why NP should have the same flavor structure as in the SM Bs transitions can be harnessed as powerful probes for NP (c: “NP model killer”) Before claiming NP discovery, be sure that everything is “under control” (assumptions, theoretical uncertainties, etc.) There are still plenty of measurements yet to be done
hep-ph/0607246 Bayesian Statistics at Work: the Troublesome
Do Not Miss: hep-ph/ Bayesian Statistics at Work: the Troublesome Extraction of the CKM Angle a (J. Charles, A. Höcker, H. Lacker F.R. Le Diberder and S. T’Jampens)
G. Isidori – Beauty ‘03
Everything you wanted to know about limits
Bayes at work Zero events seen P(n; )=e-n/n! x = Posterior P() P(0 events|) (Likelihood) Prior: uniform 3 P() d= 0.95 Same as Frequentist limit - Happy coincidence Roger Barlow: YETI06 Everything you wanted to know about limits
Bayes at work again Is that uniform prior really credible? x =
Prior: uniform in ln l P(0 events|) Posterior P() Upper limit totally different! 3 P() d >> 0.95 Roger Barlow: YETI06 Everything you wanted to know about limits
Everything you wanted to know about limits
Bayes: the bad news The prior affects the posterior. It is your choice. That makes the measurement subjective. This is BAD. (We’re physicists, dammit!) A Uniform Prior does not get you out of this. Roger Barlow: YETI06 Everything you wanted to know about limits
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