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Revision and Exam Techniques

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1 Revision and Exam Techniques

2 The time has come! Know your preferred learning style.
Know HOW to revise. Know WHAT to revise. Revision timetable. Use your time productively. Turn off your phone. Use the tips given to you tonight and in the revision techniques booklet. Go to every revision session offered in school, lunchtimes, after school and in the holidays. Speak to your teachers, ask them for a list of all the things that you will need to know. Be organised, have everything ready.

3 Look after yourself! Eat properly. Sleep well.
Relax, learn relaxation techniques. Talk about concerns. Understand your moods. Be organised. Have down time. Be active. Smiling minds is a free app that you can get on your phone that takes you through relaxation techniques and is well worth the time.


5 How to get good results - revision
Attend every lesson and make the most of them. You can’t revise what you haven’t learnt. Your attitude counts far more than your skills – growth mind set. Set up your revision timetable and stick to it. Have an aim for each session. Don’t keep revising what you already know. Be active with your revision. Keep going back to different topics.

6 Do Not just sit and read over and over again.

7 Use post-it notes on places that you will
see a lot. Maybe on the wall beside your bed, the fridge door or the back of the loo door! Colour code your notes, different colours for different things, such as red for dates and blue for names.

8 Revision cards can be taken anywhere with you
Revision cards can be taken anywhere with you. Use different coloured cards for different subjects. Make them from the longer notes that you might use at home. Cheap £2.50 for 100. Mind maps are great if you are a visual learner. Use colour and images to help you remember important key points. They can be as big or as small as you want. Lining paper is ideal and again, cheap.

9 If you are an auditory learner, record your notes on to your phone or other device so that you can listen to then at various times, on the bus or as you go to sleep etc. If you are a kinaesthetic learner (a doer) then activities such as sorting or ordering information will help you as it is a physical activity.

10 How to get good results - Exams
Be prepared – Equipment, water etc. Go to the loo before you go into the exam hall. Turn off and hand in mobile phones and other electronic equipment. Listen to what the invigilators tell you at the beginning of the exam. Read the whole paper through first before starting it. When you start, read each question twice to ensure you know what they are asking you to do.

11 If your mind goes blank – relax
Move on to another question. Read the instructions at the beginning of each section. Time – use note form if you need to. Go over the paper including the questions. Do not look around the room or engage in eye contact.

12 How can parents and Carers help?
Do…. Ensure they have all the equipment that they need. Talk to them – what role can you play? Time and space to revise. Praise and encouragement. Be prepared for their moods! Encourage morning revision at weekends and during the holidays. Make time to be there for them.

13 Don’t….. Compare them to others. Worry about revision techniques.
Make a battle about listening to music. Distract them unnecessarily. Expect them to study all the time. Take things to heart!

14 Finally, for everyone It will all be over in around 3 months.
You WILL get through it! New decorations gone. Mood swings caused by exam stress – vanished! And more help around the house.

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