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Four lions.

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1 Four lions

2 Marketing tools for four lions
Posters- four lions produce posters to campaign to those that did not have access to the internet Trailers-Four lion created a trailer to give the audience a short summary of what this film is about to attract audiences Online and Mobile- This tools was directed at a more certain and simpler audience, using social medias such as; Myspace, Facebook, Twitter Media Advertising: which included the trailers and social media sites Merchandising; they don’t have much merchandise they do have a dvd and can be purchased online Premieres; four lions did have a premiere in Bradford film festival in Jan. 2010 Preview screenings: in the usa they had a preview screening on 30th Oct. 2010 Festivals – The Sundance film festival and The Bradford International Film Festival.

3 Themes Terroism;four lions look at the way that audiences look at terrorist, showing that the terrorists are not; evil , intelligent, and are shown as almost foolish, all the individuals as a group make unintelligent bunch of people that we don’t laugh with but laugh at them. -also the idea that terrorists are humans but stereotypically they are seen as bad and dangerous, they are also hated, but Four Lions shows how terrorist have families and friendships too and how they aren’t robots they just only have different beliefs there is nothing different from them to us. Region: For Muslims in the UK there is an tension between "fundamentalist" and "moderate" Muslims. These nuances are regularly ignored in western media, culture and entertainment replaced instead by the word "Islam“, there is no real understanding of the complex debates and divisions between Muslims, this is Muslims being judged as a whole culture. Family:The theme of family is shown through the character of Omar who talks to both his son and wife openly about the terrorism plan. This gives the audience the message that no matter what, even if it means losing someone you love, you should support them in everything that they do and trust that they are doing what they think is right. Also shown in the brotherhood of the four group members. This all links to the value of loyalty as they are all loyal to each other and are planning on dying together for their cause Loyalty; . Loyalty is also shown in how Omar’s wife stays with him and supports his plans even though she knows he is going to die, she could quite easily object or leave to protect her son from the loss but both her and Omar’s son are actually very supportive and accepting of Omar’s plans.

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