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Civil Rights Projects are graded check you grade on you phone or on the wall You will need a textbook on your desk today.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights Projects are graded check you grade on you phone or on the wall You will need a textbook on your desk today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Rights Projects are graded check you grade on you phone or on the wall You will need a textbook on your desk today.

2 Kennedy and the Cold War
For today, you need a book and a writing utensil Brainstorm the tools that Eisenhower and Truman used to contain the spread of communism. What did the two presidents do the same? What was different? Using page 847 fill in the graphic organizer on your paper.

3 Kennedy and the Cold War
Reducing the threat of nuclear war and stopping the spread of communism Flexible response: Kennedy thought Eisenhower had relied too heavily on nuclear weapons. He wanted to increase the number of troops and buildup conventional weapons. This would allow the country to fight limited style warfare. Aid to other countries: Under Kennedy’s administration this focused mainly on Latin America. This policy was based on the theory that communist revolutions were more likely to occur in countries with poor economies. Money went to establish better schools, housing, and health care. Peace Corps: young Americans would volunteer to do humanitarian work in less developed countries to help fight poverty.

4 Kennedy and the Cold War
Space Race Kennedy insisted that America made putting a human on the moon a priority. He proposed that America land a man on the moon before the end of the decade.

5 Kennedy and the Space Race
5:08-6:18 8:25-9:35

6 Kennedy and the Cold War
Crises of the Cold War Bay of Pigs: Use page 848 to answer questions 3 and 4. Bay of Pigs video

7 Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba in 1959
Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Cuba in Castro’s government seized American owned businesses and land. He also established ties with the Soviet Union. The CIA secretly trained and armed Cuban exiles to invade in the hopes that it would spark a popular uprising. The invasion was a disaster and Kennedy canceled the planned air support to keep Americas involvement a secret. Within two days, almost all 1,400 of the Cuban exiles were killed or captured. The popular uprising against Castro never occurred and the plot made the United States look weak and disorganized.

8 Wanting to stop the flow of people from communist East Germany into West Berlin Khrushchev demanded that the city of Berlin (which was completely inside East Germany) be given to East Germany. Kennedy refused. In response, a wall, with armed guards posted along it, was built to separate West Berlin from the East.

9 Kennedy and the Cold War
The Berlin wall: Berlin Wall video Checkpoint Charlie video

10 The Kennedy Assassination

11 Wanted for Treason Flyer












23 The Zapruder Film

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