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Bus Bid Comparison. Cost Savings by Eliminating a Vehicle Savings for one Bus = $23,289.60 Savings for two Buses = $46,479.20 Savings for five Buses =

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Presentation on theme: "Bus Bid Comparison. Cost Savings by Eliminating a Vehicle Savings for one Bus = $23,289.60 Savings for two Buses = $46,479.20 Savings for five Buses ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Bus Bid Comparison

2 Cost Savings by Eliminating a Vehicle Savings for one Bus = $23,289.60 Savings for two Buses = $46,479.20 Savings for five Buses = $116,448.00

3 Capital (Vehicle) Purchase We would need to purchase four buses per year.

4 Information With the addition of Fifth grade to the Middle School the enrollment will be approximately 900 students. With 50 students per bus we will need 18 buses. This will leave no room to transport Grades 9 to 12 to Wareham High School

5 Information There will be approximately 440 K to 4 students at Decas. This will require a minimum of 7 buses to transport. There will be approximately 485 K to 4 students at Minot. This will require a minimum of 8 buses to transport.

6 2 Miles 1.5 Miles 1 Mile Wareham Middle School Distance Map

7 Students within Walking Distances Wareham Middle School (grades 5 to 8) –80 Students live within a 1mile radius Reduce 1 bus –134 Students live within a 1.5 mile radius Reduce 2 buses –273 Students live within a 2 mile radius Reduce 5 buses

8 Students within Walking Distances Wareham Middle School (grades 5 to 6) –40 Students live within a 1mile radius Reduce 0 bus –70 Students live within a 1.5 mile radius Reduce 1 buses –143 Students live within a 2 mile radius Reduce 2 buses

9 2 Miles 1 Mile 1.5 Miles Minot Forest Distance Map

10 Students within Walking Distances Minot Forest Elementary (Grades K to 4) –94 Students live within a 1 mile radius –155 Students live within a 1.5 mile radius –260 Students live within a 2 mile radius

11 1 Mile 1.5 Miles 2 Miles Decas Distance Map

12 Students within Walking Distance Decas Elementary (Grades K to 4) –38 Students live within a 1 mile radius –96 Students live within a 1.5 mile radius –220 Students live within a 2 mile radius

13 Bus Needs 1

14 Bus Needs 2

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