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Lesson study What is it and why do it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson study What is it and why do it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson study What is it and why do it?

2 Highly specified form of classroom action research
Focuses on teacher practice knowledge In Japan since 1870 Pete Dudley introduced to UK in 2003-Camden council

3 How does it work? Groups of teachers collaborate to plan teach observe and analyse learning and teaching in ‘research lessons’ Over a cycle of lessons you innovate and refine pedagogical approaches to improve student learning which will be shared with others through public research lessons Produce a short paper outlining your work

4 Activity in small groups
Focus on a key area of teaching and learning Use experience and expertise in this to help in jointly planning the lessons Identify 3 ‘case students’ to watch in each lesson Use student grid p.10 to project how each student will respond at different stages of the lesson During the lesson the observers record how they actually respond

5 Focus on the learning rather than the teaching
Interview the case students to gain their insights into the lesson p.11/13/14 for suggested questions Hold a post lesson discussion analysing how the case students responded to the technique ,what progress they made, evidence of learning and what can be learned about how T&L approach is developed next time From this the group plans the next lesson and repeats the process with the same students

6 Follow up After 3 lessons with the same group focusing on the same 3 students formally share outcomes with a wider audience of other teachers in one of these ways: Presentation Demonstration Coaching

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