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Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi

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1 Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi
Gulf Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi

2 SIZE *strugeons are long,lived fish *max. 8 ft *over 200 pounds
*females are larger than males *they can live 70 years

3 *eat primary invertebrates
What it eats: * bottom eaters *eat primary invertebrates *brachiopods *insects *larvae *mollusks *worms *crustaceans

4 Tracks *There are no tracks *Side Swimmer

5 How many are left: *the population is unknown
*people don't know if the trend is increasing or decreasing in number *they have been listed endangered since September 30, 1991

6 Location Rivers/creeks:Mobile River, Tensaw River, Alabama River below Claiborne Dam, Tombigbee River below Coffeeville Dam countries: Baldwin, Mobile, Clarke, Monroe, Choctaw, Washington

7 Reproduction *Females migrate up river to the Geneva, Alabama area
*Requires 9 to 12 years to reproduce *A 100 lbs female can have 500,00 eggs

8 Bibliography *www.library.thinkquest. org/19689/data/fish/
gulf_sturgeon_frame.html *Animal Packet * wildlife/gcsn1.html

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