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Neuropeptide hormones

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1 Neuropeptide hormones

2 Neuropeptides: Differ in synthesis Differ in metabolism
Transmitter is made from gene transcription and posttranslational cleavage of precursor polypeptide. Differ in metabolism Peptidases cleave the transmitter at different amino acid junctions, rendering it inactive.


4 Neuropeptides: Precursor peptide and “coding regions”

5 Neuropeptide structure

6 Neuropeptide Receptors:

7 Neuropeptides: Often found co-localized with
“classic” neurotransmitters. Phylogenically old class of transmitter substance. Found in neurosecretory, endocrine, and neural cells.

8 Selectivity and overlap

9 Neuropeptides coexist with other neurotransmitters
Noradrenaline: Galanin Enkephalin Neuropeptide Y GABA: Somatostatin (in hippocampus) Cholecystokinin Neuropeptide Y (in arcuate nucleus) Acetylcholine: VIP Substance P Dopamine: Neurotensin Adrenaline: Serotonin: TRH Purpose? To regulate release of classic transmitter To modulate action of classic transmitter at postsynaptic receptor … or is it the other way around?

10 Opiates and Opioids Opiate: ANY pharmacologially active
Morphine (1802) Diacetylmorphine or Heroin (1870) Opiate: ANY pharmacologially active alkaloid derived from opium. Induce “narcosis” (sleep) and analgesia. Opioid: ANY non-alkaloid substance that induces similar effects, AND competes for occupancy at opioid receptors Codeine (1804) Dextromethorphan (1958)

11 Mu (μ) receptor Kappa (κ) receptor
Opiate Receptors (1976 Classification) Morphine Ketocyclazocine Mu (μ) receptor Kappa (κ) receptor Both drugs induced analgesia but did not displace one another. Morphine induced sleep, but ketocyclazocine induced psychosis.

12 Discovery of opioid peptides
Hans Kosterlitz ( ) Physiologist Discovered enkephalins, 1975 Choh Hao Li ( ) Biochemist Discovered endorphins,1975 (and a host of other neuropeptides) Avram Goldstein ( ) Psychiatrist Proposed opioid peptides as neurotransmitters, 1978 Enkephalins (1975) Endorphins (1975) Dynorphins (1978) Endomorphans (1985) Orphinans (1989) Morphiceptin (from ß-casein; 1949)

13 Opioid Receptors (1983 Classification)

14 β-endorphin Met5-enkephalin Dynorphin A
Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser-Gln-Thr-Pro-Leu-Val-Thr-Leu-Phe-Lys-Asn-Ala-Ile-Ile-Lys-Asn-Ala-Tyr-Lys-Lys-Gly-Glu β-endorphin H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-OH Met5-enkephalin Dynorphin A

15 POMC products

16 Discovery of opioid receptors in brain
Solomon Snyder ( ) Neuroscientist Co-discovered opioid receptors in brain with Candace Pert, 1975 Candace Pert (1945 – 2013 ) Pharmacologist Co-discovered opioid receptors in brain with Sol Snyder, 1975 Huda Akil ( ) Neuroscientist Discovered release of endogenous opioids in the brain in response to painful stimuli, 1975

17 Opioid receptor actions

18 Μu receptor actions

19 Distribution of opioid neurons and terminals

20 Oxytocin and Vasopressin
2 Cell groups: Magnocellular neurons project to the posterior pituitary Parvocellular neurons project to the rest of the brain

21 Magnocellular System Parvocellular System

22 Oxytocin is critical for sexual and parental bonding in many species.
Oxytocin binding CeA VMH Sexually-experienced male rat Sexually-inexperienced male rat

23 Pathway for reward-related learning

24 Prairie Vole Montane Vole
Microtus ochrogaster Microtus montanus Display “monogamy” in terms of Do not show alloparental care or alloparental care and mate choice mate choice. What differs these genetic “cousins” from one another?

25 Oxytocin and Vasopressin
Prairie vole males have significantly more V1A receptor in the vental palladum relative to Montane vole males. This system is related to detection of MHCs, and controls motor output in response to dopamine signals from the nucleus Accumbens.


27 Larry R. Young


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