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What are the 4 stages to Durkheim’s Basic Insight?

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1 What are the 4 stages to Durkheim’s Basic Insight?
Warm Up 3/31/14 What are the 4 stages to Durkheim’s Basic Insight?

2 Deviant Subcultures Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin expanded on the idea of Merton’s Strain Theory saying that crime is not just a result of lack of opportunity but the readily accessibly illegitimate opportunities. In short deviance or conformity arises from the relative opportunity structure of a person’s life. There are 3 major deviant subcultures: Criminal subcultures – street gangs who have plans and a course of action to make money Conflict subculutres – armed street gangs with no plans to make money (cannot find opportunity) Retreatist subcultures – those who drop out and abuse alcohol or drugs.

3 Symbolic-Interaction Analysis
Labeling Theory – the idea that deviance and conformity result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions.

4 Let’s Assess Consider the following situations:
A college student takes a sweater off the back of her roommate’s chair and wears it without asking. A married woman at a convention in a distant city has sex with an old boyfriend. A city mayor gives a big contract to a major campaign contributor.

5 Let’s Assess Cont. We might define situation one was carelessness, borrowing, or theft. Situation two largely is defined by if the husband back home ever finds out and situation 3 could be a mayor choosing the best contractor or paying of a political debt.

6 Primary Deviance Some norm violations; like skipping school, provoke slight reaction from others that have little effect on a person’s self concept. Most of the time people do not make a big deal about it unless it is a frequent issue.

7 Secondary Deviance Let’s say people begin to notice the problem.
They might start excluding you from group activities in class. The person who skipped might become bitter and angry with his classmates and skip more. This is called secondary deviance; where a person repeatedly violates a norm and begins to take on a deviant identity.

8 Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory
Learning any behavior pattern is a process that takes place in groups. A person’s tendency toward conformity or deviance depends on the amount of contact with others who encourage or reject conventional behavior. You are more likely to conform to norms if you learned from people who conformed to norms and more likely to reject norms if you learned from people who often reject them.

9 Hirschi’s control Theory
Social control depends on people anticipating the consequences of their behavior. Hirschi assumes that everyone finds at least some deviance tempting. Those who have a lot to lose (career, family, friends) are less likely to participate in deviant behavior while those with little to lose are more likely. Hirschi links conformity to 4 different types of social control 1) Attachment: strong social attachment encourages conformity weak encourages deviance. 2) Opportunity: greater the persons chance of legitimate opportunity the less the chance of deviance. 3) Involvement: Extensive involvement in legitimate activities (job, school, sports) lessens the risk of deviance. 4) Belief: Strong belief in conventional morality and respect for authority leads to low deviance.

10 Assignment Create a pamphlet explaining Hirschi’s Control Theory.
The pamphlet must explain the 4 different types of social control and how each can lead to conformity or deviance. Provide a definition of control theory. You may use the Yellow binder on the solution station on page (leave the binder at the solution station!) Or You can use the sociology text books on the bookcase on page 182 Your pamphlet must have: Title Definition of Control Theory Color Pictures (2 min) Explanation of 4 different types of social control

11 Your pamphlet must have:
Title Definition of Control Theory Color Pictures (2 min) Explanation of 4 different types of social control

12 Exit Slip What are the 4 different types of social control in Hirschi’s control theory?

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