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Data Pipeline Town Hall December 3rd, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall December 3rd, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall December 3rd, 2015
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3

4 Importance of Data Privacy
12/7/2018 Importance of Data Privacy Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3) 4

5 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions
Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information 5

6 Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Civil Rights Data Collection Student October Student End of Year Foster Care Special Education December Count Human Resources Report Card March Directory Non-Public Directory Course Codes SBD/PreId pull Civil Rights Data Collection Survey Results Weekly Maintenance Feedback 6

7 Introductions 7

8 Vendor Update 8

9 Colorado PowerSchool Users
Conference Call on Wednesday, December 9 at 2pm MT Conference call information available on PowerSource Support>Documentation>PowerSchool>State Reporting>Colorado Community > Forums > Colorado User Group Forum

10 Open Collections in Data Pipeline

11 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory Continue to send in Non-Public student counts. Reminder after the election of Thursday, November 3rd to update your School Board Membership if there were any changes. RITS EDIS Periodic Finance (February 28th 2016) Access for ELLs Pre-ID Pull (November 12th 2015) 11

12 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education December Count Human Resources Student End of Year (Phase B Closes December 3rd) 12

13 OMB Package 30 Day Comment Period 13

14 OMB Package 30 day comment period
The proposed EDFacts Information Collection package for SY , , and is now available for review and public comment. Copies may be accessed at the following link: Select “Open Docket Folder” and scroll down to “Supporting Statements” and "Forms and Instructions" (for Appendices) posted on December 1, 2015. Comments in response to this notice must be submitted electronically through public comment period closes on December 31, 2015. The proposed package includes new data requirements, changes to existing collections, and deletions. A new attachment in the 30 day package is Attachment F, which includes a summary of all comments received and ED’s response to comments. The full package includes two supporting statements and nine attachments; changes from the existing EDFacts package ( ) are detailed in “Attachment C Changes.” Please note that ED is asking reviewers to respond to specific questions in “Attachment D Directed Questions.” We encourage sharing this information packet within the state including state superintendents, program offices, and local education agencies. 14

15 Civil Rights Data Collection

16 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection
As of Tuesday, December 1st ALL LEAs had certified. Thank you!

17 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. Contact information 17

18 12/7/2018 Student October 18

19 Wrapping Up Please or fax your signature verification page to me by Tomorrow December 4th, 2015 Fax: Most districts have already sent in signature page 50 outstanding signature pages 19

20 20

21 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. Contact information Morgan Holmgren Phone: 21

22 Student End of Year 22

23 Wrapping Up Today is the deadline for Post Cross LEA Updates
Please contact me or as soon as possible if you still have errors Please perform a final review of reports and or fax your signature verification page to me by Thursday December 10th, 2015 Fax: If you sent in a signature form prior to your final submission of data, please resubmit a signature sheet as soon as possible 23

24 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. Contact information 24

25 Foster Care 25

26 12/7/2018 Students in Foster Care: A Data Informed Approach to Improving Outcomes for a Unique Population of Students Dr. Elysia Clemens, University of Northern Colorado Sheree Wheeler, CDE State Coordinator - Foster Care Education

27 12/7/2018 Data Use Agreements In 2012, Colorado Department of Human Services and Colorado Department of Education entered into a landmark data use agreements. The agreement was updated in 2015 and will be reviewed annually. Basic out-of-home placement data are provided to the Colorado Department of Education for the purposes of identifying educational records of students in foster care within state educational administrative data. Data transfer occurs each year. First data transfer included human services information that dated back to July 1, 2007. Time-limited and project specific data use agreement allows the University of Northern Colorado to conduct research to inform an action plan.

28 4-Year Trend in On-Time Graduation Rates by Unique Population
. CDE State Policy Report on Dropout Prevention and Student Engagement

29 2013-14 Mobility Rates Across Unique Student Populations
CDE State Policy Report on Dropout Prevention and Student Engagement

30 School Entries: Range 0 to 18, Mean = 3.5, Median = 3, Mode = 3
Predicted Outcomes Based on Number of School Entries After Initial Entry Into 9th Grade Sample of students in foster care cohorts who were part of membership by Oct 1 of the year they initially entered ninth grade and remained in cohort until their anticipated year of graduation (n = 3,357) School entries include changing schools or re-entering a previously attended school during the academic year or over the summer months. School Entries: Range 0 to 18, Mean = 3.5, Median = 3, Mode = 3 30 Data Source for Predictive Outcomes from Colorado Department of Education and Colorado Department of Human Services

31 Predicted 4-year Outcomes Based on Average Number of Entries

32 Comparison of expected 4-year and 6-year graduation rates based on number of school entries is during first four years of high school Continuing the model to compare expected diploma rates at 4 years versus 6 years time. What we see is that yes, practically we can expect a difference with more time AND the difference is greatest when there is more stability. This provides support for BOTH ongoing focus on making it practical for students to stay in their school of origin if that’s in their best interest. Andy will talk more about that work in a few moments. AND supporting students in continuing their education beyond age 18 or 4 years since initially entering high school - even if they are relatively stable in their school environments.

33 Framework for Improving Outcomes
12/7/2018 Framework for Improving Outcomes Blueprint Goal 1 Youth are entitled to remain in their same school if in their best interest Blueprint Goal 2 Youth have seamless transitions between schools 33

34 Additional Information
Additional reports are available for review under: Improving Outcomes through Data at CDE’s Foster Care Education Webpage below. For additional questions and/or more about the Foster Care Education Program contact: Sheree Wheeler at Dr. Elysia Clemens at 34

35 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. Contact information Sheree Wheeler at Dr. Elysia Clemens at 35

36 Special Education December Count

37 Focus for the next two weeks
Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 – Annual Count. You should now have a really good idea about the staff and student you should be reporting based on the Annual Count date. Ensure all the records that should be included are included and are error free at the interchange AND meet the Special Education December Count Criteria. Criteria may be found on the Special Education December Count File Layout document. Reminder: the Admin Unit code for Special Education Staff MUST be included in the profile and the assignment file. Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 –Date by which a Special Education December Count Snapshot needs to be created at least once by all Administrative Units, to ensure appropriate access has been granted and data from interchange files meets expected criteria. 37

38 Tips/Updates Thank you for your patience earlier this week as CDE updated the license for ensuring records coming over from Enrich to the Data Pipeline. DC – Error in how they were triggering. DC191 is working and the fix will be applied to all these rules. Pipeline Error Reports – continuing to work with development on these. Summary, Indicator, Year to Year – in the process of being updated with updated disability codes and other tweaks. Grant Code 8600 – Head Start – looking at opening it for special education – more to come 38

39 “Huddle” We will be hosting a “Huddle” on Tuesday, December 15th from 39

40 Licensing An upgrade was recently performed. There is a current issue with any license updates since November 4th. Once the issue is resolved it may require the AU recreating a snapshot to resolve. We are working to resolve the issue and will communicate to the field once it has been rectified. If you are getting a license error and believe your data is correct let us know. 40

41 Contact information Kristi Gleason (303) Lindsey Heitman (303) Orla Bolger (303) S Include District # and Administrative Unit # Phone Number in your Subject of the (This information helps us so much upfront – thank you!) Communication to the field will be provided on an as needed basis to keep folks up to date on bugs and other matters! 41

42 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 42

43 Human Resources Snapshot

44 Staff Interchange and Human Resources Snapshot both open
12/7/2018 Schedule Overview Staff Interchange and Human Resources Snapshot both open Staff interchange files should be uploaded by now December Official count date on the 1st Create snapshot at least once by the 8th January Snapshot error free on the 13th Review Reports Assist with Special Ed Duplicate Process February Snapshot finalized by the 11th 44

45 Business Rule Issues HR073 states: Principal Quality Standard 1 must be >00 for all principals when the Overall Performance Rating = 01, 02, 03, 04 Errors with valid code of 05; should be resolved by next week Alternative licenses are not appearing in valid license field Should be resolved next week 45

46 Resources Staff Interchange: Human Resources: Contact:
Human Resources: Training was posted and now available in case you missed it! Contact: Annette Severson: 46

47 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 47

48 Report Card March 48

49 Report Card March Notification that 5 optional fields were added for Blended Learning Flexible Schedule Flag Immediate Progress Toward Graduation Flag Newcomer Center Flag Work-based Educational Experiences Flag Optional for Required for 49

50 Directory 50

51 Directory Update School Board Membership in Data Pipeline Directory
2 items need completed post election: Information in Data Pipeline Directory needed to comply with CRS (1)(d) Name Home Address Office Length of term Send in certificates of appointment to Dennis St. Hilaire Fax: Questions Call 51

52 Non-Public Directory 52

53 Non –Public School Directory
What is non-public school Directory? Collects non-public school pupil counts that are used for census and is used for allocation of funds/grants. Where can I find a list of non-pubic schools in my district: It is located on Data Pipeline Hume under Frequently Requested Codes 53

54 Non-Public School Directory
Where can I find a blank survey form: Let me know if there is a non-public school that is new or has never been reported. What collections are impacted by non-public school directory: Special Education December Count Special Education End of Year Student October Student End of Year 54

55 Non-Public School Directory
What flow through funds may be impacted if a non-public school does not report. NCLB Special Education CPP US Department of Agriculture food programs 55

56 Non-Public School Directory
Please send me the completed forms at: Dennis St. Hilaire Or Fax Phone 56

57 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 57

58 Statewide Standard Course Codes 58

59 Statewide Standard Course Codes
Please make sure you are replicating/uploading course codes for the school year Course code mappings are required for Teacher Student Data Link collection All courses must be mapped and loaded by February 2016. More information 59

60 Replicate Course Codes
Log into the system: 60

61 Replicate Course Codes
Use single sign on and password 61

62 Replicate Course Codes
Common login issues Incorrect or password Do not have access to the SSCC system LAM must assign the appropriate SSCC role 62

63 Replicate Course Codes
Statewide Standard Course Code Dashboard Notice district and school year – zero courses uploaded 63

64 Replicate Course Codes
Click Upload Courses in top menu options Make sure school year is selected 64

65 Replicate Course Codes
Click Upload Courses in top menu options Make sure school year is selected 65

66 Replicate Course Codes
Upload Courses screen Notice second option is Replicate Previous Year Courses (make sure 2015 to 2016) 66

67 Replicate Course Codes
Click on the Replicate Previous Year Courses Make sure want to take 2015 courses and replicate them to 2016 school year 67

68 Replicate Course Codes
Check number of courses to publish (168 in this example) Click the Publish button 68

69 Replicate Course Codes
Confirm the Published Courses Click the Finish button 69

70 Replicate Course Codes
Review the Dashboard Uploaded courses should show the number of published courses 70

71 More information Statewide Standard Course Codes Website
Replication steps documentation Questions? Kevin Smith 71

72 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 72

73 SBD/Pre-coded Id 73

74 SBD Information ACCESS for ELLs
SBD for ACCESS for ELLs week of March 14th, 2016 SBD process will be similar to what was used in spring, 2015 Please maintain student information in vendor system This will help reduce changes required during SBD process

75 Pre-ID/SBD Information CMAS (includes PARCC)
CMAS (includes PARCC) pre-ID pull Friday, December 18th, 2015 Upload your student demographic and student school association data using tag of None (untagged) Student test window is 4/11/16 – 4/29/16. SBD for CMAS will be in late June/early July, 2016 SBD process will be similar to what was used in summer, 2015 Please update student information in vendor system

76 Pre-ID/SBD Information Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Overview Alternate assessment in English Language Arts and Math for students with significant cognitive disabilities This is a very small set of students in grades 3-11 (approximately 5,500 statewide) Student test window is the same as PARCC ELA/Math DLM Test preparation No Pre-ID pull. KITE is open Please update student information in the KITE system. DLM SBD will be in May, 2016 We anticipate that the SBD process will be similar to what was used in spring, 2015, however, we are reviewing that process to see what improvements can be made. Please note DLM will replace the previous 11th grade alternate assessment for (there will not be a separate collection for the 11th grade alternate)

77 Pre-ID/SBD Information 11th Grade College Entrance Exam and New 10th Grade Exam
CO will not be giving PARCC ELA/Math in 10th grade this year. HB requires a new exam for students in 10th grade. This exam must be aligned to both Colorado Academic Standards and the 11th grade college entrance exam. 11th Grade College Entrance Exam Colorado ACT has been used since Contract expired this summer. New legislation (HB ) requires a procurement process every five years for both the 10th grade exam and the 11th grade college entrance exam. CDE will know more about test dates and the data processes once the RFP process has been completed and a new contract awarded.

78 SBD Information Changes for 2015-16
We are working on ways to improve SBD, however the general process will not change significantly this year. We are working with multiple assessments delivered by multiple vendors. We are looking to standardize as much as possible, but there will still be small differences between collections. In the cases where CO is participating in a multi-state consortium to develop and administer a test (such as PARCC, DLM, and ACCESS for ELLs), our flexibility is limited due to the need to find solutions that will work for all participating states.

79 SBD Information Changes for 2015-16
Small improvements will be made PARCC ELA/Math will be administered in one test window rather than two. This will eliminate the need to validate the merging of components through the summative file review process. Both ELA/Math and Sci/SS will have the same test window and will use the same version of PearsonAccessnext. We are hoping that this will allow us to do a single SBD for all of CMAS. There are some scheduling contingencies that may prevent this from occurring, but this is our hope. Scheduling considerations SBD windows are still expected to be 7 to 10 days CDE opens the SBD window as soon as possible after the completion of the test. Cannot open SBD until we receive the score file from the vendor Scoring and validating tests takes time – paper/pencil tests, human scoring of constructed response, etc. CDE does not receive any data until we can receive all data As a result of these factors, SBDs for March/April tests are typically not ready to open until June. Goal is to have all SBDs done before 4th of July 79

80 Contact Information Suggestions or Questions? Different members of the assessment data team are responsible for each SBD collection. If you have questions about a collection for a specific assessment, please contact the Assessment Unit staff member responsible for that collection. For general questions about SBDs, please contact Sarah Underwood or Jasmine Carey You can also call the general phone number for the Assessment Unit at and Margo will direct you to the person who can best answer your question.

81 SBD Pilot districts Changes for 2015-16
Any districts interested in piloting ACCESS extract to update vendor system? CDE would like to work with a handful of districts to see if we can help extract information from the student interchange and use it to update the ACCESS vendor system. Assuming this is helpful, will try similar approach with other vendors Limited development resources at this time Please contact me if you are interested Kevin Smith 81

82 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 82

83 12/7/2018 Weekly Maintenance 83

84 Tuesday weekly maintenance
Just a reminder CDE does weekly maintenance on Tuesdays between 5:00 PM and 10:00 PM. Typically 15 to 30 minute outages Need weekly maintenance – Correct defects Implement requested changes Please minimize use during this time. 84

85 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 85

86 Civil Rights Data Collection
Survey Results 86

87 2013-14 CRDC CDE Data Pre-population Survey
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

88 Overall, how satisfied were you with the CDE pre-population of data for the 2013-14 CRDC collection?
3.28 Rating Average

89 How satisfied were you with the 2013-14 CRDC updates offered through the weekly town halls?
3.19 Rating Average

90 How satisfied were you with the CDE e-mail updates and reminders about the 2013-14 CRDC?
3.37 Rating Average

91 How many items which CDE pre-populated did your local education agency overwrite?

92 CDE is aware of the following items that must be programmed to correct issues for the pre-population of the CRDC. (Question) EXAMS – Example: Passes Algebra I - Students have to be enrolled during the snapshot date (October 1). Don’t pick up students who entered after the count date. COUR – Example: Participation in Advance Placement - If student took more than one AP class, only count one class, not each class. DISCIPLINE – Example: Student with disability who received one or more in-school suspension - Aggregation issue in that we counted incidents instead of students. COURSES & CLASSES – Revisit i.) AP definitions and counts of students, ii.) Definition of a class, and iii.) Aggregation on state course code, class term, section number, etc. Were there any other areas that appear not to be programmed correctly? Please specify:

93 CDE is aware of the following items that must be programmed to correct issues for the pre-population of the CRDC. (LEA responses) Specific areas Absenteeism English Language Arts Exams - ACT participation Finance (3) Human Resources (2) Students with disabilities Courses Include Integrated Math category Core courses duplicated- appeared as if had twice the courses Miscellaneous Explain the errors in greater detail Don’t ask elementary school for high school answers and vice versa Fill in more data Overwrote much of the data since couldn’t validate

94 What went well with the CDE pre-population of CRDC collection data? Please be specific in your response. Pre-population was a timesaver (26) Validation starting point (5) Demographics (4) Next time better since TSDL will be approved Everything compared to last CRDC! Specific data Student counts (3) Finance High school course participation Special Education discipline Special programs Staff counts

95 What could be improved for the CDE pre-population of future CRDC collection data? Please be specific in your response. Prepopulate even more data (6) Thanks for the help (4) This is too time consuming and not worth the effort (4) LEA verify data before pre-population or give data to district to submit to CRDC 504 data was not consistently requested Populate HQ teachers by building Could CHCA provide number of teams by high school? Wish discipline definitions were in alignment between CDE and CRDC Provide more detailed calculation logic Populate all empty fields with 0’s Fix all known errors before the opening of the CRDC Let OCR know to not have a summer schedule next time Option to upload integrated math Let’s not do CRDC

96 Will your district allow CDE to pre-populate district data for the 2015-16 CRDC collection?

97 If no, why not? No We will have to discuss this internally. Since this data load is massive and all of the data is connected it makes it hard for some of the data to be provided by CDE and some by the district. I didn't trust the data since I found discrepancies in different area's of the data being collected. Yes Because it saved so much time in the overall process. Does it matter? Even though I did not use the pre-population this year. If it is improved for the next collection, I would be willing to try it. If one part of the data matches then it would be worth the pre-population for that section. I am sure once we have approved data that will be pre-populated it will go much quicker.

98 Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the CDE pre-population of data for the CRDC collection? Thank you! (10) Pre-population helpful (5) Waste of time (2) Make data more accurate next time Deadlines are always changing OCR does not use the same edits/logic we use for state reporting CRDC struggles with the timing of the data they require (SO vs. EOY counts) CDE should collect all of the CRDC data There were staffing discrepancies that could not be verified Approved TSDL data will help next time Keep communicating about OCR delays and CDE progress to pre-populate

99 12/7/2018 Feedback 99

100 How can CDE help? Concerns and feedback How can CDE help?
Do you have a system change you would like? Defect CDE needs to correct? System wide change? Please contact me: Kevin Smith

101 Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 101

102 Next Town Hall: Thursday, December 10th, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m.

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