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2 The Just Shall Live By Faith Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome

3 Outline Introduction 1:1-17 Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21
Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith :1 – 11:36 4

4 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Did the Jews “stumble” over Christ so as to eternally fall? v. 11a 9:33 “Certainly Not!!” God doesn’t want any to be lost 2 Pet 3:9

5 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Yet, the Jews’ “transgression” would serve 2 purposes vv. 11b-12, 14 1) Gentiles received their salvation 2) Jews would be moved to jealousy in the hopes they would return to God

6 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Paul still had hope for the Jews v. 15 At one time, the Gentiles were dead…they became alive when Jews rejected Christ Now, if the Jews believed, it would be their own “resurrection from the dead” v. 12b

7 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv All was not lost re: the Jews v. 16a The Law taught the first fruits belonged to God Ex 23:19 Especially true on Pentecost Acts 2 The remainder was “sanctified”

8 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv All was not lost re: the Jews v. 16a Remember the context of this question… God had not given up on the Jews They could still be saved if they responded to the gospel as the Gentiles had done

9 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Seeing “The Election Of Grace” vv. 16b-24 Paul moves from first fruits to the image of a tree with branches This discussion was to make points with both Jews & Gentiles

10 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24 Gentiles Jews
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Seeing “The Election Of Grace” vv. 16b-24 The wild olive branches The natural branches The tree roots Gentiles Jews Abrahamic Promises

11 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Seeing “The Election Of Grace” vv. 16b-24 Paul has usually had to address the Jews’ attitude toward the Gentiles’ salvation This time, he speaks to the Gentiles re: the Jews being saved

12 The Election Of Grace Romans 11:5 B L O D Physical Tree
Jewish “Family Tree” – literal roots in ancestor Abraham Gen 12:1-2 B L O D Physical Tree

13 The Election Of Grace Romans 11:5 FAITH UNBELIEF Natural (Jew)
Wild (Gentile) UNBELIEF

14 The Election Of Grace Romans 11:5 UNBELIEF FAITH Wild (Gentile)
Natural (Jew)

15 The Election Of Grace Romans 11:5 B L O D Spiritual Tree
Israel “Family Tree” – spiritual roots in “Father Abraham” Gen 12:3 Gal 3:7 B L O D Spiritual Tree

16 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Important points re: this “tree”… “Natural branches” were broken off because of unbelief v. 20a “Wild” branches were grafted in because of faith v. 20b

17 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Important points re: this “tree”… “Wild branches” previously grafted in can be broken off due to unbelief vv “Natural” branches previously broken off can be grafted in due to faith vv

18 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv Important points re: this “tree”… One can fall from grace (refutes the impossibility of apostasy) [CALVINISM] Acceptance based on faith…not just the Sovereign’s choice cp. Ezek 18:1-22

19 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv A hard passage for the Calvinist… Yes…there is an “Election Of Grace” It is through man’s faith, not only God’s choice as Sovereign Yes…God is Sovereign cp. 9:6-26

20 Question #7 Paul addresses the Gentiles vv. 11-24
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul addresses the Gentiles vv A hard passage for the Calvinist… But God doesn’t act as Sovereign in the way Calvinism teaches Ù specifically choosing “the elect” regardless of whether they display faith or unbelief

21 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv They must refrain from being high-minded Their salvation was not at Israel’s expense It was not, “They’re out…we’re in!!” Israel was partially hardened until the fullness of the Gentiles came in

22 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv They must refrain from being high-minded Just as the Jews had been warned re: their attitude toward the Gentiles, now the Gentiles are warned re: their attitude toward the Jews

23 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv They must refrain from being high-minded “Thus, all Israel will be saved” v. 26a All spiritual Israel 2: :6-8 Again, Paul quotes Isaiah vv. 26b Isa 59:20-21

24 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv The Jews’ “dual perspective” v. 28 Unbelieving Jews were the enemies of believing Gentiles because of the gospel Unbelieving Jews were still the objects of God’s love & His “election of grace”

25 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Question 7 answered !!
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv Paul vindicates God v. 29 God’s gifts and calling (salvation in Christ) are “irrevocable” Just as He always planned to save the Gentiles, God wants the Jews saved, too Question 7 answered !!

26 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv Jews & Gentiles compared vv Gentiles had been disobedient 1:18-32 Yet, they had been shown mercy Jews now disobedient Now, they can receive the same salvation

27 Question #7 Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv. 25-32 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul exhorts the Gentiles vv Jews & Gentiles compared vv God has “shut up” (confined) all under sin (disobedience) that He might be merciful to all v :9, 19, Gal 3:19-25

28 Question #7 Paul’s doxology vv. 33-36 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul’s doxology vv A fitting way to conclude the 2nd main section of the epistle 6:1 – 11:36 Praising the wisdom of an omniscient God who planned man’s salvation & justification (grace, not works of law)

29 Question #7 Paul’s doxology vv. 33-36 Has God Cast Away His
People? :1-36 Has God Cast Away His Paul’s doxology vv Who but God could have devised such a redemptive scheme? It is “unsearchable” & “past finding out” To bring Jew & Gentile together in Christ could only come from the mind of God


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