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By Colleen AndersonColleen Anderson, Reference Librarian Douglas & Judith Krupp Library Fall 2009.

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1 by Colleen AndersonColleen Anderson, Reference Librarian Douglas & Judith Krupp Library Fall 2009

2 Economic conditions and forecasts Industry overviews, forecasts, & benchmarks Company Information Comparative Data and Market Share

3 Standard & Poors NetAdvantage Trends and Projections. …see the section labeled Economy located in the lower left corner of the page. Click on the link provided under Economic Insight and then select Trends & Projections from the retrieved menu. Provides an overview of the domestic economy. Standard & Poors NetAdvantage Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System …a report to Congress on recent and prospective economic performance and monetary policy. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

4 Conference Board. Economic Briefing Page. …provides access to the economic newsletter Straight Talk; forecasts for GDP, CPI, & T-Bills; economic indicators, economic research and an economic outlook. Conference Board. Economic Briefing Page. The Livingston Survey …from the Federal Reserve Bank in Philadelphia, the Livingston Survey provides a consensus of economists expectations for the U.S. economy. The Livingston Survey

5 IBIS World Industry & Market Research …structured to provide information on Porters Five Forces operating within the industry. Click on the Industry Market Research tab. Provides key statistics, industry conditions, industry performance, key competitors, etc. IBIS World Industry & Market Research First Research Industry Profiles in Proquest Business Databases …click on the publications tab and type First Research Industry Profiles into the search box to retrieve the profiles. These contain an industry overview, trends, financial information (including industry ratios), and more.Proquest Business Databases Standard & Poors NetAdvantage …Click on the Industries tab and select your industry from the drop down box under the Industry Survey link. This publication provides industry trends, key industry ratios and statistics, a comparative company analysis, and more for approximately 50 industries. Standard & Poors NetAdvantage

6 Value Line Industry Reports …industry reports written from an investment viewpoint. Includes historical statistical data on industry performance. Value Line Industry Reports Mergent Online Industry Reports …global reports containing information on the current environment, industry profile, key points & references, market trends and outlook. Mergent Online Industry Reports

7 Businesses operating in the same industry form trade associations to collect data, track legislation, and publish current news on the industry. These trade associations produce journals and web sites that are valuable sources for industry information. To locate a trade association, see: National Trade & Professional Associations of the United States (REF HD2425.D53) After you have identified a relevant trade journal covering your industry, go to the librarys Journals List to find out if the library carries the journal via one of our major full text indexes.Journals List

8 Search the following indexes to locate articles from journals published by trade associations: Proquest Business Databases Business Source Complete Lexis/Nexis Academic

9 Hoovers …search for your company by name or ticker symbol, click on your retrieved company name, and then click on competitive landscape from the left bar menu to retrieve profitability, valuation, operations, and financial ratios for the company, industry, and market. Hoovers RMA Annual Statement Studies (RR 2 HF5681.B2 R63) …composite data on over 375 industries. Arranged by NAICS code; provides 5 years of data.

10 Mergent Online …search by company name or ticker symbol and click on the retrieved company name to access current and historical financial information, ratios, annual reports, and news. Mergent Online Hoovers Academic …information on the company history, competitors, financials, SEC filings and news. The 10K company filing provides a wealth of valuable information. Hoovers Academic Mergent Horizon … Mergent Horizon is an online database that allows you to access current financial information. It also contains up-to-date company information including stock prices, financials, competitor's, suppliers and customers Mergent Horizon

11 Use Proquest Business Databases or Business Source Complete to locate current articles on particular companies. Use the Advanced Search feature in both databases, and select company/org from the drop down box to limit your search to company name. Proquest Business Databases Business Source Complete Lexis/Nexis Academic also provides current news articles on companies. Select the News tab on the main menu and then Business News Publications or U.S. Newpapers and Wires from the Source drop down box. Lexis/Nexis Academic



14 Fortune 500 (for print issue, ask at the Reference Desk) Fortune 500 …companies ranked by various criteria, such as most profitable, fastest growers, etc. Business Rankings Annual (see also the print edition in Ready Ref 2 REF HG4061.B89) …5,000 rankings of companies and products arranged by subject area. Market Share Reporter (see also the print edition in Ready Ref 2 REF HD1040.9.M37) …market share data on companies, products, and services.

15 Hoovers Academic …run a company search, click on the retrieved company name, and select competitive landscape from the main menu options. Hoovers Academic Standard & Poors NetAdvantage …select an industry survey under quick links and then select relevant numbers and/or ratios under comparative company analysis. Standard & Poors NetAdvantage


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