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Eschatology Antichrist Part 2.

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1 Eschatology Antichrist Part 2

2 The Character of Antichrist
As a man who will rise out of the sea or masses of humanity, Antichrist will be blasphemous. (Rev. 13:1,5,6; Dan. 11:36) Antichrist will be powerful. He is described in the terms of the vision in Daniel 7. (Rev. 13:2) It should be noted that Antichrist will derive his power from Satan. Antichrist will be able to perform miracles, signs, and wonders. (2 Th. 2:9,10)

3 Men will be drawn to him so that he will be able to direct their worship toward the devil. (Rev. 13:4) It is a mistake to think that Antichrist will seize power, at least in the beginning of his career. Instead he will practice great diplomacy. (Dan. 8:25; Rev. 6;2; Dan. 11:21)

4 Antichrist will be wicked, called the “man of sin” or that “Wicked” (2 Th. 2:3,8). “Both of these expressions represent the Greek words which mean ‘the lawless one.’” He will think to change times and laws. (Dan. 7:25) He “will be the greatest antinomian of all humanity.” He will be a vile person (Dan. 11:27). He will be self-exalting (Dan. 8:25) and self-willed (Dan. 11:36).

5 Initially Antichrist will be a religious person
Initially Antichrist will be a religious person. The great apostate church depicted in Revelation 17 will find herself operating under the aegis of the beast. When he has extracted all that he can from the lewd woman, he will turn upon her and destroy her. (Rev. 17:1-18) Antichrist will use whomever he can as long as he can to accomplish his goal of world dominion. The throne to which he aspires is that which belongs to God alone. The kingdom over which he most wants to rule is Israel. He will make a treaty with Israel at the beginning of the Tribulation (Daniel 9) only to break that treaty and install himself on a papal throne in the Temple of God. (2 Th. 2:3,4)

6 The Career of Antichrist
In his role as dictator of the world (Revelation 13:7) Antichrist will be the great persecutor of God’s earthly people Israel. (Dan. 7:25; 8:24; Rev. 13:7) This persecution will also extend to Gentiles who are saved during the Tribulation who will shelter and aid the Jews. (Matthew 25:31-46)

7 Further, Antichrist will dominate the financial markets of the world by means of an identifying mark which will make commerce of any kind impossible for people who do not submit to his mark. (Rev. 13:16-18)

8 The political career of Antichrist will begin in a unified Europe
The political career of Antichrist will begin in a unified Europe. From that base of operations he will move to the land of Shinar (Babylon) and finally to the throne in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. He will prosper until the consummation of God’s dealings with Israel. (Dan. 11:36-45) When Antichrist is finally defeated by the true Christ in the battle Armageddon, he along with the False Prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire. (Rev. 19:11-21)

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