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Jy sal ‘n Bybelboek op die bord sien

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Presentation on theme: "Jy sal ‘n Bybelboek op die bord sien"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jy sal ‘n Bybelboek op die bord sien
Jy sal ‘n Bybelboek op die bord sien. Jy moet neerskryf watter boek voor en watter boek na dit kom! before and after

2 1 Markus before Lukas and after Johannes

3 2 Johannes before Handelinge and after Romeine

4 bsefore 3 Handelinge Romeine and after 1 Korinthiërs

5 4 Galasiërs before and Efesieërs after Filippense

6 5 Hebreërs before Jakobus and after 1 Petrus

7 7 Filippense before and Kolossense after 1 Thessalonisense

8 9 3 Johannes before Judas and after Openbaring

9 Bonus Titus before and Filemon after Hebreërs

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